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Sadik Adnan (Turkey) - World History, Psychology, and Sociology

Mikki Seibert - World History and AP World History

Alfred Jones (America) - U.S. History and Civics

Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia) - Integrated Science classes

        ~Ludwig's older brother

Elizabeta Héderváry (Hungary) - 11th and 12th grade English (Juniors and Seniors)

Heracles Karpusi (Greece) - 9th and 10th grade English (Freshmen and Sophomores)

Ludwig Beilschmidt (Germany) - German

        ~Gilbert's younger brother

Antonio Fernández Carriedo (Spain) - Spanish

Roderich Edelstein (Austria) - Band

Abel Maes (Netherlands) - Chemistry and Biology

        ~Laura's older brother

Vash Zwingli (Switzerland) - Algebra and Geometry

Iryna {Chernenko} Williams (Ukraine) - Other math classes

        ~Ivan's older sister ~Natalia's older sister ~Married to Matthew Williams)

Laura {Maes} Vargas (Belgium) - Home EC, Cooking, etc.

        ~Abel's younger sister ~Married to Lovino Vargas

Ivan Braginski (Russia) - Librarian

        ~Iryna's younger brother ~Natalia's older brother ~Married to Samira (Chelles) Braginski

Samira {Chelles} Braginski (Seychelles) - Art

        ~Married to Ivan Braginski

Natalia Arlovskaya (Belarus) - Gym

        ~Iryna's younger sister ~Ivan's younger sister

Remulus Vargas (Ancient Rome) - Principal

In this story, there will be Turkey x Mikki (clearly), Russia x Seychelles, Romano x Belgium, Prussia x Hungary, Canada x Ukraine, and whatever other ones I missed!

Also, guys, I know Turkey's human name is spelled 'Sadık' with the undotted 'i', but honestly, I can't constantly look up the spelling just to copy and paste the name onto here every time I use it.... So... In this story, it will be spelled 'Sadik' with the dotted 'i' because I can't do that other thing. If it was on the keyboard, I'd use it. But sadly, it's not. Please forgive me.

History ( Turkey/Sadik Adnan x Mikki/Reader - Teacher AU )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें