Chapter 2 In A Room With Him

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Mitch's POV

I think i fell asleep. I start to wake up and notcied that my head was on Jerome shoulder. I quickly moved my head, im wide awake now. "Look whos awake." Ty said. I looked around and noticed that we had stop at a hotel. "Wheres Adam?" I ask Ty. "He's getting us rooms for the night." He told me. I looked outside and saw that the hotel was pretty big. I heard something open, and Adam had opened the trunk of the car and carried our luagge to the fornt enternce. Ty got out of the car to help Adam, so I decided to wake Jerome up. "Biggums." I said as i shook him. "Mmmm..." he said. "We're at the hotel, wake up."

"I dont wanna." He said. I shook him harder. "Biggums wake up!" I yelled. Jerome slowly opened his eyes and yawned. "You can fall back asleep once we're in our rooms." I told him. He nodded his head, and we both exited the car. When we got inside Ty greeted us by the door. "Adam said he was going lock you two in the car if didnt came out." He told us. I blushed at the thought. Being in that car with Jerome, alone. Mitch stop thinking like that, its wrong. He doesnt like you. He'll probably laugh at you. "Mitch?" Jerome said pulling back to reality. "Yeah?" I said. "You zoned out biggums." He told me. I shook my head. "I'm just as tired as you are." We walked to our rooms. "We manged to get two rooms," Ty started, "Adam and I, in one room, you two in another." He handed me the room key. "Get some sleep for now." Ty said. "Hey, Ty how long are we staying here?" Jerome asked him. "Three days." He told us. Jerome and I nodded our heads and headed into our room. Our suitcases were already inside thanks to Adam. We started un-packing. After we finished i laid down on my bed. I looked to my left where Jerome's bed was. He was already fast asleep. I got up and walked to his bed and tucked him in. "Night Jerome." I said quietly. I gently kissed Jerome on his forehead. Then I laid back down on my bed and slowly fell asleep.

Ty's POV

Adam and I had justed finished un-packing, and we were on our beds just laying there. "Hey Adam, how long til we to the special place you're always talking about?" I ask him "Its not that far." He answered. "Alright."

"Hey you feeling better?" Adam asked me. I nodded my head and said, "I getting there." I told him. "Well, we should turn in for the night." Adam suggested. "Why are we staying here for three nights?" I asked Adam. "There's a pool here and a store not too far from here." He told me. I nodded my head. "Anyways, good night Ty."

"Night Sky."

This is really making me nervous, cause I have a crush on Adam. Since the day i met him. All I can think about was that i was in a room with him. Im sure Mitch feels the same way with Jerome. I slowly closed my eyes and fall asleep.

All I Need Is You (SkyLox and Merome)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ