Who's Lilly?

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Memories came back sporadically. I could remember attending a ball when I was five, but none of the names of people there. I could remember climbing to the top of a castle tower when I was eight. I could remember that before my hair was black as raven feathers. I knew I lived in the muggle world and pretty sure I traveled a lot.

Something kept tickling at the back of my brain. I kept feeling like some situations were a little to familiar. I couldn't quite place why though. Maybe I really have just lost my mind completely.

"Halloween is tomorrow." Severus grumbled.

"You don't like Halloween?" I cocked my head.

"Not particularly. I'll be out half the night watching over students during our Halloween ball." He frowned deeply.

"That sounds like fun. I'm sorry you have to suffer through it." I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes at me. "You are welcome to attend. Both Lupin and I are required to be there."

I frowned a little. "I dunno. I'll probably just stay here with my nose in a book. I prefer the quiet anyway."

He gave me a funny look, but didn't press. I didn't want to admit it was because I've been wearing the exact same outfit for four and a half straight weeks. Thank the gods for the house elves keeping them clean and in good shape.

"Come let's get to dinner." He put his hand on the small of my back guiding me toward the door.

I hated dinner and breakfast. I sat at the head of Slytherin table alone again. Despite being in Hogwarts for over a month people still felt compelled to gawk at me. Even Lupin would still stare at me funny every now and then. The only person who didn't was Severus, half the time he avoided looking at me entirely.

"So what's it like?" The girl I think name is Tracy asked me again.

"What's that?" I cocked a brow at her.

"Being married to the dungeon bat?"

They think we're married? It took all my self control not to laugh in her face. Ghost lifted his head from his place on the floor and gave the girl a warning growl. I studied her for a moment. Debating on my answer.

"It's great really. I couldn't have asked for someone better." I gave a sly smile winking at her.

She gave me shrewd look for a moment then walked away. Well if nothing else this will be absolutely hilarious. I looked up to see Severus giving me a raised brow look. I just shrugged and went back to eating.

Sure enough the next morning everyone who passed us called me Mrs. Snape. I could see the irritation on Severus' face, but he also didn't correct them either. I laughed internally.

Lupin was laying in the grass when we found him outside. He looked more tired than usual. Sif sniffed him up one side then down the other before letting out a low whine.

"You have time before class starts, you should sit with us a while." I looked up hopefully at Severus.

He gave a resigned sigh before sitting on the bench. We all sat in the quiet for a while. Birds chirped from their high posts. It was a peaceful day.

"Severus, will you start teaching me potions?" I looked up at him hopefully.

"No. I don't have time to teach some lost girl potions." He crossed his arms.

I got up and placed myself squarely in his lap. "Come now, is that anyway to talk to your loving wife?" I planted a kiss on his cheek before bounding away.

Lupin laid on the ground "coughing" up a storm. Severus growled at him before turning indignantly back to the castle.

When he was out of site Lupin broke into full on laughter. "I haven't seen him look so flustered since our school days! Why would you do that!" Tears we're rolling down his face as he laughed harder.

I shrugged. "I'm taking bets on weather he kisses or kills me first."

Remus laughed again. "I'll bet you two chocolate bars that he kills you. Perhaps in your sleep tonight."

I laughed now. "Deal."

My smiles faded quickly. "Hey Lupin, can I uhh... can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I could see him steeling himself. He knew what I needed to ask.

"Who is Lilly?" I bit my lip when I saw his face pale.

"How...how do you know that name?" He eyed me warily.

"It's...just..." I looked up and saw Harry and his two friends sitting in ear shot, "it's just that you were here with Snape...and he's called me that on accident a few times..." I looked back at the ground.

After a minute of silence I looked up to Lupin. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. It's not important."

He blinked shaking himself. "No no it's ok. Lilly was...Lilly was a good friend of mine. She was actually Harry's mother."


"I'm afraid she was killed during the last war." His voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry Professor. I didn't mean to bring up painful memories." I started to reach for him but stopped short.

"Don't be sorry. You do look startling like her. But Lilly was light,happiness, strength, and bravery. I don't think James was the only one who loved her." He looked toward where Severus had stormed off.

"I see. Thank you for telling me." I smiled tentatively.

"Harry!" I beamed pretending to see him for the first time.

Lupin jumped, "Hello Harry, Ron, Hermione. Shouldn't you three be in class?"

"We're on our way." Hermione assured him.

I sat back quietly as the four talked and laughed. Lupin always looks so tired. I frowned a little, I wonder why that is?


My cheek tingled where she had kissed it. Who does she think she is?! Parading around as my wife! Making me feel...things...things that haven't stirred in a very long time.

My class stared up at me expectantly. I sighed. Let's get this over with. Thankfully I had them working on a week long project so their need of me should be minimal.

"Continue what we've been working on. Do not disturb me." I snapped.

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