Part 1

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A/N: This is my New Story Called the Jaune, Warrior of Mankind! This is a RWBY!AU where women are the only one that have Aura, Jaune will not have an Aura as well but will have something else, this is a Psuedo-Crossover with aspects from One Piece and was inspired from the Blonde Swordsman from the Maestro of Madness. Anyways Enjoy!

Huntresses, The protectors of Remnant, Maidens of Justice and the saviors of humanity. The legendary women warriors has protected humanity from the monstrous grimm for centuries, saving humanity from Extinction multiple times. Men, However have been reduced to normal people, possessing no Aura. No one knows why but Men, Human or Faunus, has never possessed and Aura. This leads to inequality, Men and Women have been divided in a sense, Men being Subservient to women, normally doing housework, taking care of the house even now when both Men and Women have equal rights, Men still get discriminated upon even if is looked down today.

However there has been 3 exceptions in the history of Remnant. 3 men so strong that they rival, even surpass the strength of the 4 legendary maidens who battle Salem, the mistress of darkness.The three were known as the Warriors of mankind, showing the strength of Mankind.However that was centuries ago, many believing they died and their great strengths of cutting through mountains and destroying thousands of Grimm faded into legend.

Nevertheless, prophecy says that one day, Another Warrior from Mankind will emerge from the shadows destroying the darkness that lurks in the deep once and for all, he could come from anywhere, an ordinary boy, a Faunus male or even from the streets of Vale.

The Arc Estate

"I'll never give up sis! Just because I'm a man doesn't mean you should look down on me!" Jaune exclaimed, the battered and bruised 10 year old boy roaring into battle holding his wooden sword before he was knocked down, again. The rest of the family looked with small grins, enjoying Jaune's never-ending determination to beat his twin sister, Joan. Joan looked at Jaune fearfully as he was knocked down once again, her bright aura shining in the light of the setting sun.

Joan rushed to help Jaune up, getting out of the dirt in the sparring circle. "Come on Jaune, wake up!" Joan exclaimed shaking Jaune by the shoulders, her eyes on the edge of crying. Joan felt a large, rough hand, take her by the shoulders, Joan looked up to see her dad his face with a warm smile looking towards Joan as he gave her hand to pick up from the ground.

"Don't worry Honey, you know Jaune's too stubborn to get knocked out for too long." Jack said ruffing her short blonde hair. "What if I killed Jaune?" Joan asked fearfully, tears already flowing out of her eyes "I-If he dies, I-I won't be able to get Hair Cuts from him anymore, I won't be able to eat his Yummy Breakfast he cooks for us everyday!" Joan bawling in tears in her Father's trousers. "Hey, Hey, Don't worry! You ask that everyday and in a 15 minutes Jaune's up and running again, fired up for another fight. Look see they're already treating him, he'll be back up in no time." Jack comforted, gesturing to the butlers taking him to the infirmary, "He'll be alright, Just wait with Bianca I'll tell you when Jaune's back up. Alright." Joan gave a sad nod before running to her older sister.

Jack looked in happiness as his two daughters went running back, "You really are a natural." A female voice came beside him, Jack gave her a peck on the cheek. "Hey hun, How's Jaune?" June asked looking at her husband, June was an accomplished huntsman and runs a prestigious huntress school in Arcadia, her large axe was brandished across her back along with her long flowing blonde hair, dressed in her steel armor fitting her curvaceous but fit hourglass figure that she somehow kept after 8 children and forty-five years of living. "Same old, Same old. Always itching for a fight and getting stronger. He wants to be the first Huntsman when he grows up." Jack said in pride.

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