Secrets Within the Palace Walls

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Listening from the closet, Hae Soo felt bad as she knew eavesdropping on a conversation was not right. Her mum always said if you were supposed to listen to the conversation you would be invited. This time though her mum would be pleased as she needed to know what was happening.

Hae Soo wasn't prepared for the conversation." The king has requested to marry Lady Hae. We have been advised to locate Lady Hae as soon as possible. Search everywhere!"

Soo was shocked. She knew the king was the father of 12 princes and she was a similar age to them. There was no way she would marry him no matter royalty or not. She knew she needed to escape but where? This land and time were still foreign to her.

Making sure the area was clear, Soo tiptoed past the closet and to her room but as she turned the corner, she hit a wall. That wall was one of the prince's chests. Looking up to the face she recognized it was the Fourth Prince. He was looking at them like he was trying to figure out who she was.

Suddenly he smiled and pointed the other way." They are behind me. I will distract them and you can go the other way."  Soo took his advice and followed where he was pointing. She was not prepared to bump into someone though. She looked at who was holding her and thought it was one of the princes she was surprised when it wasn't them but a guard.

Letting go of her arm when he realised who she was, he bowed down and told her she had to follow him. Soo wanted to ask why but before she could get a word out the guards surrounded her and started to walk. She had no reason but to follow them. Whether to her doom or not was the question in her head.

Soon the guards stopped and she realised they had reached the palace steps. Waiting with her heart in her mouth Soo just looked around. But before she could marvel at the palace the guards were soon leading her to the inside of the palace. Hearing behind her she heard her name being called out from a few different voices. She couldn't even answer back or see who was calling her as the guards blocked her view.

Once they reached inside the palace, Soo was in awe of it all. Pillars of white marble strategically were placed so that silks could be hung from them. Some steps seem to lead to heaven and carpets of red cloth covered them. At the top of the steps, there was a golden throne that looked like it's been polished 100 times for it to sparkle. Sitting on that throne is someone she never expected to meet. The First King of Goryeo.

He was looking at her with distaste and Soo figured out why and gave a deep bow like she had seen others do from this period. 

"Leave the room," he ordered and everyone apart from the king and Hae Soo left and closed the doors.

Soo couldn't help but tremble. He asks her why she is so special that the princes want to befriend her and defend her. She answered and said that she was just an ordinary girl.

The king then went and told her a story. A secret he tells hers. The story is basically about a young foolish man that fell in love with a poor doctor's daughter. He promised the world to her and she was happy to wait for him. Alas, he didn't know that he could not ever marry her as he didn't want her to live in heartache and torture. Silence is torture for even the bravest. Later that doctor's daughter came to work in the palace so that she could watch her love every day even though she could not touch him.

Soo felt like that was a sad story but had no idea why he was telling her that story. The king went on to explain how these walls have seen and heard so many secrets that can bury a kingdom. he mentioned that even the wealthy are greedy people, and they are the most foolish people. 

The King proposed to Soo and decreed that she must marry a prince - one of his sons. Soo was surprised and it took a while for her to register the words. Feeling affronted but glad she was not marrying him she stood up from where she was kneeling and walked towards the steps. 

" You have one week to choose one of my sons as your husband as I believe that you are the key to the kingdom and the one that will bring the change that we need. You will be made queen and later on an Empress all I ask is for you to choose the right person who you believe to be king."

Just great though Hae Soo. How do I choose when they all have been lovely? Yo was out as he was just creepy and seemed to be up to something. Won was not in the choice as he is more of a follower than a leader and seems to know everything about everyone. Eun was too young for her and Wook was married to her cousin before she passed away even though she is living in his house she does not want to be indebted to him forever. That left Jung, Baek Ah and So.

Deep in thought, she walked out of the hall and towards the market not paying attention to anyone or anything. Automatically moving away from people and objects she failed to see and hear the hooves of a horse pounding on the road towards her. Nor did she hear the rider call out her name until it was too late.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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