The Hogwarts Express

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"Now Rhyan, when we get over to the school, I want you on your best behavior. I do not want my daughter acting like a babbling, bumbling baboon! Is that understood?"

"Yes Mom", Rhyan replied, before turning around to face the train station and muttering to herself, "Why is she so obsessed with baboons?"

"Excuse me, Young lady? What did you say?", McGonagall asked, glaring and giving her famous,"Shut up before I make you shut up" glare

"N-Nothing Mom! I was just joking!"

"Sure you were, Rhyan. I should remind you to keep your snarky comments to yourself. Your professors won't be as forgiving as I am."

"I know Mom. I'm sorry. I'm just super excited to go already! The train is taking forever!"

"Patience is a virtue, Rhyan. Hopefully, you'll learn that in time", McGonagall said, looking down at Rhyan, "I know you're excited to go, and the train is taking forever, but I promise that Hogwarts is worth the wait. I even went to Hogwarts as a student myself."

"Really? When the world was in black and white?",Rhyan laughed, earning an eye roll from McGonagall.

"Very Funny, missy! I'm not that old! But I can promise that you'll have a wonderful time, and I'm very proud of you.", McGonagall replied, giving Rhyan a slightly grin before looking back her uniform, "You're tie is un straight and for goodness sake, Rhyan! Fix your hair! Your name is Rhyan McGonagall, not Ronald McDonald!"

McGonagall conjured up a hairbrush, and gave it to Rhyan. Her thoughts tangled as she attempted to untangle her chocolate, brown hair. What classes will she pretend to care in? What friends will she make? Does she have to prove herself to anyone?

Despite being Mcgonagall's daughter, Rhyan isn't well know in Hogsmeade. The only people who know who she is were their neighbors, and a few or Mcgonagall's acquaintances Rhyan would see every now and then. They would laugh and laugh as Rhyan told them funny stories and jokes, and sometimes pulling out funny faces. Of course, she'd be reminded to stop or "You're face will freeze that way", but she usually shrugged it off, and stopped for the time being.

As Rhyan's hair straightened, the train finally arrived and came to a halt. The doors flew open, and Rhyan climbed on with zest, eager to find her compartment.

"Rhyan, I've put your textbooks in your backpack and they will be escorted to your dorm when we get there."

"Ok Mom! I'm gonna go mingle for a bit!"

"I suppose that's alright. Just stay where I can see you, and don't do anything stupid!"

"I won't!", Rhyan called out. She got up and walked around carefully to avoid falling, and noticed somewhat thin, oval headed, blonde girl stuffing her faces with Chocolate frogs.

"You know, I heard that if you eat too many of those, you turn into one", Rhyan said, smirking. The girl looked up in horror.

"Really? But I love Chocolate frogs! They're my favorite", she said, looking at Rhyan as if she had seen a ghost.

"Better practice your hopping and ribbit then..Pfft.."

"No!!", the girl yelled, covering her face to muffle the screaming. "I don't wanna be a frog!". Rhyan burst into tears laughing.

"Ha Ha! Relax Kid! I'm just teasing!", she said, smiling and sitting down, "I'm Rhyan."

"Maribel. I'd shake your hand, but I'm covered in chocolate.haha", Maribel replied, smiling softly.

"And on your face too.", Rhyan snickered, watched as Maribel's face turned slightly red. Her eyes scanned the seat as she saw a card next to her, "Why don't you just wipe your face off with that?"

Life at Hogwarts (Temporary Title)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ