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Two days later

I was sitting on the chair the was next to the window. I stared out the window and watched the rain fall. I listened to the rhythm of the rain wean it hit the ground.

"Jane it's time to go." My mother said as she walked down the stairs. She was wearing a simple fitted black dress and her long brown hair was in a neat bun.

I walked outside and got into the car.

We arrived and walked into the Church. We walked down the aisle and there was a poster that said : Tulip Janson sunrise April 7 2005 and sunset June 25 2019. There was a picture of Tulip on the poster she looked happy.

I tried not to cry but I lost it when I saw Tulips pale dead body.

My legs felt week I fell to my knees. Tears started to pour down my face.

I stared at her dead body. I could feel my heart shatter again.

Seeing her dead body was too much for me.

I was sitting in the car on my way home from the funeral. My eyes were puffy and red. I stared out the window and wondered about death. There are so many beliefs about what happens after death. One belief is that you come by back as an animal or a different person. Another belief is that you go to heaven or hell. Honestly I don't know what to believe.

As long as Tulip is happy and at peace.


So do you guys like this story so far?

---------Elleona ❤️

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