Swimming With A Mudkip, Fighting With A Bacca

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"So, I just put my arms out like this and arch my back a little as I dive in?"

"Yea, just be careful not to belly flop. If you bellyflop, it's not classed as a proper dive. Think about how dolphins swim. They arch their back fully as they dive back into the water. Try to do it like that."

"Got it. Like a dolphin." Katie smiles at her blue mudkip friend. "Thanks for helping me with all this, Husky. It means I can swim in the swamp when gathering mushrooms without drowning or something!"

"No problem Katie." Husky smiles and puts his flipper/hand over Katie's pale hand. "Ty had told me how you struggle swimming when you get stuck in water, so I figured i'd give you some lessons. I am a pro swimmer after all." Katie chuckles and Husky grins at her. "Alright, now try and do a dive then swim to the end of the pool, alright?"

"Alright!" KM looks at the water, takes a breath and dives in prefectly, swimming under the water for a few moments before appearing and starting to do breaststroke. Husky claps as she reaches the end of the pool and gives him the thumbs up. She gets out, shakes off, then walks back round the edge and sits down beside Husky, pink hair flicking left and right as she sways her hips in a sexy manner. All the minecraft boys were looking at her in awe; she had quite a slim figure, and while she did have pale skin it just made her seem more beautiful.

"Well done Katie! That was an amazing dive! Try not to use too much of your energy during the dive, if you do you'll have no energy left to swim afterwards." Husky gives her a thumbs up. "Nice work. Shall we continue tomorrow?"


"Same time?"

"You bet!"

"Great! See you later!!" Husky and Katie part ways, Katie heading into the changing rooms to get out her bikini. With a sigh, Husky starts to nosebleed a little, blushing pink. Deadlox and Sky appear, both chuckling.

"You need a tissue dude?" asks Deadlox innocently, handing the Mudkip a hankie for him to clean himself up with. The Mudkip quickly sets to work mopping away some blood that had made it's way out his nose.

"It's official; KM has turned into the sex object of the flats!" laughs Sky quietly, and Mudkip chuckles.

"That's probably the understatement of the week Adam!"

"Hey keep your hands off her, she's mine!" Ty pouts, before bursting out laughing along with the others.

"Message received Captain Deadlox!" Husky grins and rolls his eyes. "C'mon, let's head on over to the lunch hall before Brotato eats all the baguettes... Again."

Later on that day, Katie was in the simulation room, fighting zombies and other googlies (monsters) with Jerome. While she was pretty good with a sword, she wasn't amazing at using a bow and arrow, meaning creepers and skeletons were somewhat of a challenge for her.

"Okay, Katie, with both skeletons and creepers, you only have small windows to attack them. Creepers give you barely any time to attack before they explode, so shoot them from a distance. If they get too close, use your sword. It's sort of the same with all creatures in a way. But it's not ideal to use a sword on skeletons because trying to get close equals them shooting you somewhere ridiculous." Jerome begins to explain everything to Katie, who took it all in instantly.

"What, like that time a skeleton shot Sky in the ass?" Both Katie and Jerome laugh as Jerome nods. "Got it. So can you do that?"

"Sure! I'll do my best!" She grins and pulls out a new bow, since her old one had broken. She grabs a couple extra arrows and prepares to attack. Jerome jogs back till he's against the wall and presses the button, summoning around 4 skeletons.

Katie jumps into action and shoots all 4 back, missing one and getting shot in her knee. She yelps and almost falls over, but recovers and shoots once again, hitting all four successfully. She puts away the now and arrows and pulls out a sword, charging down and blocking arrows being shot at her. She slices the skeletons into pieces, being too fast for them to be aimed at. Jerome applauds as she finishes slicing the skeletons into bits and grins.

"GG! GG!" Jerome comes over to her and smiles warmly, ruffling her hair. "You did great Katie! You're like a bloody cheetah though! So speedy!"

"Well I gotta be speedy to get around and run away! Haha!" She laughs and gives him a cheeky smile. "Thank you for the compliments Jerome, I appreciate it. Now! It's almost mining time y'know! And I'm hungry! I need a snack before we go off mining!"

Jerome chuckles and smiles fondly at Katie. "Okay, okay, let's go get a snack first before we mine."


Minecraft Madness: A Youtube Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें