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You've completed A Change in the Tides

I hope you enjoyed reading! I had a lot of fun writing this for all of you guys. Please leave feedback and tell me what you think. I'd love to hear all your thoughts!

Now, if the endings were kind of confusing to some of you here's a further explanation:

I've always pictured Bella and Will together, so I thought it would be cute to give them a little house boat. You know, traveling the seas together and all that jazz. And with Cleo, I put a little surprise in there by the name of Lewis. They rekindle their relationship and hopefully she moves back to America with him (but I mean it's for you to decide so...) Then, I had Emma and Luke actually kiss (finally). I just think they are so frickin' cute together! And finally Rikki, who I set up with Jess. Two frisky little hotheads, you know? Picture perfect.

I hope you guys enjoyed! And if you did, make sure to check out my other stories. Fishy Experiments is completed and guess's about mermaids. Golden Scales is permanently on hold, but if you still feel like reading for a cliffhanger, go ahead! I'm in the process of writing a rewrite for Golden Scales called The Girl with the Golden Scales (I know, a completely new title 😂) if you guys want to keep posted when I publish that. Plus, I've got a vampire and werewolf fanfic coming out soon called Bloodlust. It's a crossover of The Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf. And let me not forget my cute little love story Because of Darcie that I'm writing.

Keep posted for all my new stories and updates. Love you guys!

Caroline Grace

A Change in the Tides (H2O: Just Add Water)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें