~ Huit ~

365 17 12

Hey. I had I cool idea for a chapter so this book isn't on hold anymore! 


Anyway, so I have some cool news to share at the end of this chapter. 

Okay, ENJOY!

Varian's P.O.V

I sat there, sobbing before the princess speaks up. 

"So... she double-crossed you?" I nod. 

"I thought she loved you. Didn't you guys get married?" she asks. 

"W-we did get m-married b-b-but she must n-not have loved me." I barely get out. 

The princess goes quiet as I sob. 

Why would she just leave me like that? I loved her and I still do. I want to care for her and our child... I want to be there for our child. I just want to make things better. 

"How'd you too meet? I don't think I've met her," she asks, kindly. I look up. 

"Huh? Oh, yea. That day was amazing..." I start to tell her the story...

(Hi so it's kinda a flashback so it's gonna be slanted. WARNING: Crappy backstory.) 

((Also it's still Varian's P.O.V)) 

I was walking back to my lab with Rudiger. We had just collected some scrap metal for a project. We decided to stop by the towns sweet shop to get some candy. (HoNeY wHaT cHu WaItInG fOr!? StEp InTo My CaNdY StOrE!) 

As we walk in, I trip. 

Great job Varian. 

I'm rubbing my head and I hear a girls voice. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay, sir?" she asks with her hand out. 

Her (Skin color) face was a bit red with embarrassment. She had beautiful (E/C) eyes and (H/L), (H/C), hair. Her hair and eyes seemed to sparkle from the light shining through the windows. She wore a long, poofy tan dress with a light brown apron over it. She also had a tan floppy hat to match.

I blushed. She was so pretty. 

"Excuse me sir are you okay?" she asks agian, laughing a bit. 

"Huh? Oh, yes. I'm okay. How are you?" I ask and kiss her hand. She blushes. 

"O-Oh I'm fine, thank you." she giggles. 

Oh my gosh her giggle. 

She helps me up and I scratch the back of my neck. I thank her and she starts to walk out. 

I need to do something for her!

"Wait! Miss!" I yell after her. She turns around. 

"What, sir?" She asks innocently. 

"I was just wondering if you want some candy? I noticed you didn't have any." 

He face goes blank. 

"O-Oh, yea. My family is kinda poor so I can't afford any. I love to come in though and smell everything. It smells so nice in here. B-But I won't make you buy anything for me." she says. 

"N-No my treat. I promise. What do you want? I'll get you anything." 

She looks around. 

I'm sorry that I'm not sorry. (Varian x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя