( prologue. )

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The heavy, warm sunlight beats down on top of me and every other citizen of Central City, as I rush towards the bus stop. Sadly, my Red Camaro SS 1969 is in the shop being repaired, so I have to use public transportation to get to downtown.

Bus #405 pulls up just in time, making me sigh in relief. I quickly pay the fare and hop on the bus. I sit behind a woman with a cowgirl hat, which intrigues me. Central City may have metahumans, but I didn't know we have cowgirls too. Interesting.

The blue and yellow CC Metro bus departs soon after I hop on, starting its journey. It takes a turn right, when all of a sudden, a huge portal opens up in the middle of the street. I notice a quick blur, a crackle of lightning out of the corner of my eye. Of course, this has to do with the Flash. Then, everything goes white, as I feel myself losing consciousness.

DELICATE ❖ Caitlin Snow [THE FLASH]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora