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A man crept through the well taken care of shrubs to get to the oak door.

He pulls out an extra set of silver keys and easily slid it into the lock. The door opened with a low creek. And he stepped in.

It was dark and smelled like lavender and lady gray tea. Bookshelves stuffed with books of all kinds filled to the brim. The burgundy sofa with knitted blankets thrown carelessly across it was the same. So was the art that scattered the walls and the tapestries.   

The mahogany floorboards creaked as he took steps in the direction of the kitchen.
Movement out of the corner of his eye made him stop and hold his breath. 

He looked behind him but he felt a hand roughly grab his shoulder and the sharp, cold edge of a knife against his throat.

He gulped "Ana!" He whisper shouted "Its me!" He sighed in relief as the knife was pulled away. He turned to face her but only to be greeted by a sharp sting to his right cheek. His eyes go wide as he lifts his hand to press against the throbbing.

"What was that for, doll?" He groaned.
The woman before him glared at him sleepily. "What do you think Jones." She crossed her arms and pulled her dressing gown closer together. "Sneaking into my home for what reason. You could have called."

He pondered her question and gave her a pointed look. "Would have you answered?"

She looked like she wanted to slap him again.

He nods, looking at the expression on the woman's face. "Point taken."

Anaith rubbed her eyes "What are you doing here, Indy? You're always welcome, but dropping in at four thirty in the morning is against the rules."

Indiana raised an eyebrow "Rules?"
"My sleeping rules!" She exclaimed throwing her arms in the air.
"But why are you here at four thirty in the morning."

He looked toward the kitchen. "We can make some tea and we'll talk about it."

Anaith huffed. "You break into my home and ask for tea. Typical stupid asshole Indiana Jones."

"I heard that!"

"You were suppose to you ass!" She yelled back with a laugh in her voice.


"We have got to get to Nepal."

The Irish woman's eyes went wide.
"What? Nepal? I have class!"

Indy took her empty teacup and placed it in the sink. "Yes Nepal. And I already have your classes covered."

Anaith squeezed her eyes shut. One night. She just needed one peaceful night.
"What's in Napal?"

"Marian is in Nepal. You know the rest about finding him so.." he trailed off sitting across from her again. She opened her beautiful eyes. Indy smiled at the spark of happiness in them as he mentioned the name of her old friend.

"Why is Mar involved?" 

Indy leaned in closer. Anaith sucked in a breath. "She might have the amulet that could help us."

Anaith sighed as she caved. "Fine. I'll go."
Indy grinned. "Thank you, doll."
The ginger ignored the flush in her cheeks. "When do we leave?"
Jones got up and walked towards the sitting room. "Tomorrow. So I want you to sleep the rest of the night and I will be here around eleven." He looked at his best friend and put his hands on her small shoulders.

She maybe small but that 5'2 frame was filled with fury if you cross her. It was terrifying.

"Try and get some sleep." He paused and noticed the dark circles under her eyes. A worried expression crept onto his face.    "Are the dreams back?"

She looked down. There was no point in lying, he saw right through her. He took her silence for a 'yes' and brought her into an embrace. Her head against his chest and arms around his middle.

This was the soft part of Indy that he reserved for only Anaith.

He pulled back and pressed his lips to her forehead. She lightly smiled. "Will you be alright." She nods, a small flush dusting her pale cheeks. "Yes. I'll see you in the morning."

"Alright." He nods "Don't set anything on fire." He ruined the moment. Anaith groaned. "One time. It was one time."

With a quiet "Goodnight doll." He slipped away into the night.

"Ass." She mumbled with a smile as she heads to her bedroom.

This adventure was to be glorious. 


Short sucky chapter yay.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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