"Hey baby" Jamie whispers in my ear, before kissing my cheek. "Hey you.. I've missed you" I put my plate down a second to wrap my arms around his neck. "I've missed you.. but I'm desperate to find out what we're having now" he chuckles and I kiss him gently. "Me too.. I'm going to eat my food and then I'll find my mama and she can do what she's doing" I smile and kiss him again.

Once I've ate my second plate I go in search of my mom, who I find inside blowing up the balloon she has for Dulcie to pop. "Mama me and Jamie are impatiently ready to find out what our baby is" I giggle and she grins. "Good! We're all ready too!" She hands me a gold party cannon with 'Girl or Boy' written on the side of it.

We head outside and mom and dad gather everyone as Jamie and Dulcie wander to stand with me. Mom leans down to Dulcie and explains what she needs to do with her balloon after we pop our cannon. Dulcie just giggles and nods the entire time. Once mom stands up straight I lean down to talk to Dulcie.

"So, if it's pink, it means you're having a baby sister and if it's blue?" I say and Dulcie pouts "I'm having a baby brother" she rolls her eyes giggling. "That's right baby" I giggle and everyone chuckles at her. I stand back up next to jamie and he wraps his hand around mine over the cannon.

Everyone counts to three and then me and Jamie both pull the lever on the cannon.

There's gasps and cheers and screams from the crowd watching as we're covered in pink confetti.
I hear a faint gasp from Jamie behind me and before I know it he's swinging me around in his arms.
I feel my heart burst with a mixture of love, happiness and gratefulness. We're having a girl!!! Once jamie puts me down I pull him close and kiss him hard.

"A girl!" I grin, tears falling from my eyes as Jamie too has tears down his cheeks. We wipe each other's eyes and then we kneel down to Dulcie, who's grinning watching everyone. "Ready to pop your balloon?" I grin and she nods. Everyone gets ready to count to three but by the time we get to two she pops it. We all giggle at her eagerness and my heart bursts again as she jumps up and down squealing.

"I'm getting a sister!" She repeats and she leaps into mine and Jamie's arms, we all hug as everyone moves closer to congratulate us. "My beautiful coqui. I'm so happy for you" my mom whispers in my ear as we hug, she has tears down her face and I squeeze her tightly. "I love you mama.. thank you for everything" I whisper back before being passed onto my dad.

He's just as excited to be getting a granddaughter, which makes me the happiest. Tippi is crying as I pull her close to me. "I love you dear.. you're going to be the best mommy" she whispers and I kiss her cheek, holding her close before she pulls away to give Jamie a hug. Jamie's dad and Sam are in bits as they reach us. "Thank you for giving us another granddaughter. We're so happy for you both" Sam says as I hug her tightly. My mom and dad are with Dulcie, who's crying and grinning from ear to ear.

My sisters squeal with me as we group hug. They promise to spoil our little girl rotten and I shake my head laughing, knowing they will spoil her. Jamie's sister expresses her excitement and we're soon finished thanking everyone for their kind words, and I'm stood by my mom as we chat with Sam and my sisters and Jamie's sister.

They're discussing what names they'd use if you they had a girl or boy. I'm distracted by Dulcie pulling at my hand, I kneel to her level. "What's up babe?" I rest my hand on her back and she shocks me by wrapping her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.

I lift her into my arms and she then wraps her legs around me too, mindful to be careful of my bump. I check my phone to realise it's seven in the evening, I bet she's tired.. "I'm going to find Jamie and then put Dulcie down in my bedroom, I think she's tired.." I tell everyone, they smile and nod, waving goodnight to Dulcie, who blows kisses at them all in return.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن