"No way! Serio?," i said almost spitting out the food in my mouth.

"Aye eat right and yeah dude everyone knows," she said looking at me confused.

"I thought you knew cause you and Cesar are close," she said tilting her head to the side to glance at me and then looking back at her food.

"I guess not," I said softly exhaling and shove a pollo in my mouth being disgusting as well.

We both ended up laughing on how disgusting we are eating but did we care, absolutely not. An hour passed by and Johnathon got home with food in his hands in which I grabbed and put it on the table.

"Lil sis!," he yelled hugging me tightly.

"Ya guey your gonna squash me," I said punching him lightly.

"Niña shut up," he said back and I turned around daring him to say something else but got cut off when my phone started to ring.

"Hello?," I said answering the phone.

"I'm in deep shit Blanca, I need help," Cesar said desperately.

"Where are you," I said heading outside and reassuring Johnathon and Letty I'm fine.

"My house," he said.

"I'm on my way," I said before hanging up.

I went back inside and got my stuff before going to Johnathon if he can drive me to Cesar house in which he did. The drive there was me constantly worrying over Cesar if he was okay? And what type of trouble he got in? But never have I experienced a drive so long than this drive. I finally got there and thanked Johnathon before knocking on the door of Oscar's home and Rosa answers it. 

"Ummm... Is Cesar here?," I said softly looking down but glancing at her nervously.

"Yeah, he's in his room... he won't get out, at all," she said quietly but smiled lightly at me in which I returned as well.

"May I come in?," i said softly looking at her.

"Oh of course," she said opening the door wider and saw that Oscar was cooking something before dropping the pan seeing me but I head straight to Cesar's room.

I knock softly on his door hearing him say, 'who is it," and i said my name in which he opened the door quickly pulling me in a tight hug. He didn't let go til minutes later when I pulled him back to see whats happening to see him very pale. I go into his room grabbing a bag packing in some of his clothes for tomorrow school and so he could sleep over and hand him the stuff.

"Maybe it's better if we talk at my house," I said exhaling deeply and he nodded.

We both headed to the front door when I see Oscar and Rosa really close and they snap out of it when they hear the door open and saw us leaving.

"where you going?," Oscar asked Cesar.

"I'm going Blanca's house only for the night, I just want to be with my hermana... I need someone to hear me," Cesar said before pulling me along with him heading to my house and then we started our walk to my house.

10 minutes later we got into my house and we told my mom that he was gonna stay for the night, that something wasn't going well with him. With that explanation my mom rushed over checking if he was sick or hurt but found nothing and knew what that meant that he wasn't stable emotionally so she left us alone before telling us not to be awake all night and we just nodded our head. We headed to a guest room we had in case of emergencies and i helped Cesar settle in. We were sitting on the bed and i was patiently waiting for him to speak but I wasn't prepared the words that were gonna come out of his mouth.

"I have to kill Latrelled," He said clearly but for some reason it turned out to be foggy.

"What?," I whispered my eyes widening and pushing myself closer to him.

"He pointed a gun towards me and got green lighted, Oscar found out and told me I have to shoot him," Cesar said quietly but I heard him. 

I looked at Cesar who's eye's glossed over and I pulled him in a tight embrace and shushed him as he softly cried on me. I couldn't comprehend what was gonna happen next but right now all I could do was hold him.

"I can't do this Blanca," He said quietly looking at me before pulling away a little bit.

All I could do was look at him and run my thumbs over his tear stain on his cheek and I nodded my head and then shook it.

"I promise I'll help you even if it's me," I said looking in his eyes swearing my oath of promise. 

*Hey guys sorry for the late update hope you guys can forgive me but I came to terms that I will only update once a week because I have school homework, projects and finals coming up so I really have to try hard for my exams. Im really sorry but we're almost done season 1 in this fan fic and thank you guys for supporting me so much, I really appreciate it. LOVE YOU GUYS <3 Also keep VOTING and COMMENTING!!!!!! So till next time, Deneri.*

Not The OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora