Jun-Pyo and a invitation!

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Ksenia P.O.V

It was gym the next day. I had to sit out because during out sparing yesterday I got a little carried away trying to beat Woo-Bin. I looked down at my bandaged hand. Thank goodness it was only a sprain. It could have been worse.


We were tied again 2 to 2 and it was getting late I was adamant to get the last point before we ended. I had flipped to get away from one of his swings but I over shot my handing and one of my feet handed on a mat which slid out from under me. I threw out a hand to catch myself but I had fallen wrong. The pain was so bad I had cried out.

Woo-Bin and Yi-Jung and immediately ran to my side. Woo-Bin had helped me sit up. "Kenzie are you okay?"

I panted against the pain. "My wrist. I think I twisted it."

Yi-Jung took my hand looking at my wrist. He gently turned my hand till I hissed in pain. "It's sprained."

I gave a painful laugh. "Well I lost that point."

"We need to get you to the nurse!" Yi-Jung ran and got my bag and clothes as Woo-Bin put his shirt on.

They came back to me and helped me stand. Woo-Bin put his jacket over my shoulders as we headed toward the door.

"Wait I need to put on my shoes!"

Yi-Jung just picked them up. "I got them."

I didn't have time to squeak before I found myself being carried by Woo-Bin. Yi-Jung ahead of us making sure we had a clear way.

~End flashback~

I was thankful to those two. They have become some of my best friends. Heck Yi-Jung acted like my brother so much I think I'll eventually start calling him my brother. As for Woo-Bin he seemed to become a protector to me.

"Hey! Geum Jan-Di!" I looked up in time to see Jan-Di get hit in the face by the ball. I shot up, those bimbos did that on purpose.

I saw the guys had stopped with their basketball and was watching her. I could actually see the concern in Jun-Pyo's eyes..... Maybe he really is starting to care for her. I rushed to her side seeing her nose bleeding. No one hurts my sister!.

The bimbos were smiling. "What a state? Nice look. It's a double nosebleed!"

I pushed Jan-Di toward the bathroom looking at the bimbos. "Yeah a nosebleed. Good hit." I picked up the ball. "As so is this one."I slammed the ball into Gingers face making her cry out. I smiled at her. "Oh look another double nose bleed!"

Sunny and Miranda looked at me in shock. "you!"

I stepped forward. "Do you two want the same."

I suddenly felt hands on my arms pulling me back as the girls started muttering "F4!"

I looked to see Ji-Hoo and Yi-Jung pulling me off the field and back to the bleachers. Then made me sit down as Woo-Bin appeared with an ice pack.

"Idiot! Your wrist won't heal if you do things like that."

"Come one. One good hit apiece please."

He put the ice pack on my wrist. "Not when it is this hand you are using. Kenz you can do some series damage."

Yi-Jung nodded "If you damage your wrist anymore you may not be able to draw or paint again."

I froze at that thought. "I didn't think about that."

Ji-Hoo stood me up. "Go get something cool to drink and keep that ice on it a little longer."

"Thanks guys." I left heading toward the school when I heard raised voices in the bathroom Jan-Di was cleaning up in.

I stood outside the door listening. She was talking to Jun-Pyo.

"Want me to repeat myself one more time?I said, I hate everything about Gu Jun-Pyo. I hate it all!" She stormed out not seeing me. I've never heard Jan-Di act like this before.

I looked into the bathroom seeing Jan-Pyo get mad and throw a cloth to the ground. He really did like her. An by the sound of things he is trying to make things better but keeps messing up.

"Don't worry." He spun to look at me in shock. "Jan-Di doesn't know how to really hate anyone. She may say she hates you but she just dislike the things you've done.... Give her time and she'll come around."

"Why would you say that? Don't you hate me as well?"

I smirked cradling my ice wrapped wrist to my chest. "I don't hate either. I disliked what you did and defended my loved one as appropriate but I see you trying to make an effort to make up for that. So therefore you've started to earn my respect."

He smiled before frowning at my wrist. "What happened?"

"I sprained it sparing with Woo-Bin yesterday and I just made it worse hitting the girl who hit Jan-Di."

He walked over to me lifting the ice pack seeing my swollen wrist. "Lets get you to the nurse." He held my arm and wrapped the other around my back leading me inside. "An thank you for trying to make me feel better."

I smiled up at him. "Well of course. I couldn't stand seeing Curly all sad."

He chuckled as he walked me inside the nurses office. "Your crazy!"

"So I've been told."

~Time Skip~

That night I sat on the couch in the living room letting Beck change the bandage on my wrist as I watched movies.

"You still haven't told me how this happened?"

I sighed knowing he wouldn't let it drop. "I was training and flipped but I didn't see the mat. It slid out from under me and I went to catch myself but I landed wrong."

"What about this?" He touched a bruise on my leg. It was were Woo-bin had scored a hit. "Sparing."

"With who?"

"A friend Beck. Now is that enough of the interrogation."

Before he could say anything my phone rang. I looked to see an unknown number. Should I answer it?

"Are you getting that?"

I smirked. "Are you leaving?"

He held up his hands and left the room. I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Are you busy tonight?"

"Gu Jun Pyo? How did you get my number?"

He chuckled. "Woo-Bin! Now answer my question?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Our friend Min Seo Hyun had came back and there is a welcome home party for her. I wanted to invite you."


"Come on it will be fun and we will be invited Jan-Di as well."

"Okay I'll be there."

"Thanks Kenz."

I chuckled. "See you tonight Curly."

"Stop calling me that!" I hung up and sat the phone down with a laugh. I couldn't believe the change in him from the first day. Could Jan-Di's kick really knock some sense into him. I suddenly had a thought. I had nothing to wear.


He appeared. "Yeah."

"I need to get to a dress ship now."


"I was invited to a welcome party for someone. The whole school will be there. I need to get a dress."

He chuckled. "Come on we'll get Cinderella ready for the ball." I stuck my tongue out at him as I grabbed my purse and headed for the car.

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