"Come on Y/N you can do this. Walk in there and show them who's the queen. Here goes nothing," You mumbled to yourself, opening the door. You froze when you heard yelling.

"...someone close to him. Someone with a grudge. Someone who isn't here," You could faintly hear Luther's voice echoing through the house.

"Where are you going with this?" Klaus was the next talking. You shifted into a fly, landing on top of the chandelier.

"Oh isn't it obvious Klaus? He thinks Y/N killed dad." Diego turned to look at the larger man, anger flashing in his eyes.

Luther was speechless, he opened his mouth and closed it repeatedly.

"You do!" Klaus gasped, you were done listening.

"How could you think that?" Vanya was shocked, even more when you landed and shifted back.

"Wow Luther, very smooth. You're so smart, I wonder how you figured that out? Oh wait, you're as dumb as dirt. Ape brain. I didn't kill him." You whipped around to face him, fists clenched.

"Y/N/N! You came! I missed my little cupcake!" Klaus exclaimed, tackling you into a hug.

"Good to see you too Klaus." You laughed as you tried to release from his grasp.

"Why'd you come." Luther growled, clenching his fists and glaring at you.

"Same reason you did, wanted to say one last goodbye to dear old dad. Am I not welcome? After all I did live here and help you guys out an awful lot." You faked an innocent smile, pissing Luther off even more.

"You ran away without telling anyone and you think you can waltz back in like nothing happened?" Luther continued to grow angrier as he walked toward you.

"I never acted like nothing happened, stop being a brat. You should be thankful I even came to this hell hole." Your fake innocence soon became hostility, your true self coming out.

"Look at me I'm Luther! I think I'm the boss cause daddy named me number one! Don't mess with me, I'll show you true apeshit! Lalala I'm so buff!" You shifted into him, walking around and mocking him.

"You take that back!" His face was practically red in rage.

"You know what, you're a crazy man. Me and my honeysuckle are outta here." Klaus grabbed your upper arm, leading you away from the others.

17 Years Ago

Today the umbrella kids were assigned a mission, stop a bank robbery. It seemed easy enough, but there were a lot of people involved.

You crouched beside Klaus and Ben on the roof, your hands holding theirs.

Allison approached first, sneakily walking up beside the closest man. You watched through the roof's glass.

"Hey, get back with the others!" He moved his gun around.

"I heard a rumor," Allison smiled, the man was confused.

"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot." His eyes went white, Allison giggled.

Like a zombie he pointed his gun, shooting another man's foot.

With that it was Luther's que, he jumped down and started throwing stuff around.

"Guns are for sissies, real men throw knives!" Diego aimed his blades at another man.

You followed Klaus to the others, standing beside him.

A man tried to aim his gun, but you shifted into a tiger. With a roar you tackled him to the ground, tearing the flesh on his arms and legs. He was unconscious from the pain.

Shifting back you smiled at Klaus, giving him a high-five.

"Get back you freaks!" A man stood on a counter, he was terrified.

"Hey, be careful up there buddy." You laughed.

"Get back now!"

"Wouldn't want you to get hurt." Allison snickered, going along with you.

"Or what?" Five sat behind him, smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

The man tried to shoot him, but Five spatial jumped out of the way. In the blink of an eye he replaced the gun with a stapler.

"That's one badass stapler." Five laughed at the shocked man.

Before he could fully comprehend the situation he was thrown back, knocked out cold.

Now the only people left were in the vaults

"Do we really have to do this?" Little Ben asked, standing nervously in front of the door.

"Come on Ben, there's more guys in the vault." Luther reasoned.

With a sigh he opened the door, "I didn't sign up for this."

Through the frosted glass you watched as the men were thrown about, blood splattering against the window. When the noise stopped Ben came out, drenched in blood.

"Can we go home now?" He was shaking, you ran over to hug him.

"I think so." You embraced the boy while the others watched.

The seven of you walked out of the building, met by police and news people.

People shouted questions, the others smiled. Luther waved as if he were a celebrity.

Dad walked in front of the line you'd formed, talking to the press.

"Our world is changing," he began. "Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."

You sat on the couch while Klaus paced around, talking to dad's urn.

"You know, if I was murdered, and one of my sons—adopted sons—happened to be able to be able to commune with the dead. I might think about, I don't know, I don't know...manifesting! Do the whole big angry ghost lecture.

"Tell everyone who done it, find eternal peace. Eternal peace is probably overrated." Klaus continued pacing as you watched.

"Maybe he wants everyone to think I killed him, turn everyone against me. I was a real pain in the ass." You offered, walking over to him.

"No, no. Just let me commune with him. Come on Reggie. Any time now. Please?" he stared at the urn intently.

"Alright ghost boy, you're putting me to sleep. I'm gonna go crash in my old bed." You sighed, trudging up the staircase.

The room looked the exact same. Band posters lined the wall, pictures of the others taped to the bed, stuffed animals cluttering the corners. It looked untouched.

Flopping onto the old mattress you groaned, this sucked. You were only trying to be nice and come home, now Luther is on your ass. He thinks you killed dad when you had nothing to do with it.

You debated shifting back, using your ability too long was draining. No wonder you were exhausted. But then again nobody knew your secret. You could pretend you aged properly.

Before the decision could be made music began to play from Luther's room. I think we're alone now began to play through the halls.

You shrugged your shoulders to the beat, mumbling the words into your pillow.

mimicry (umbrella academy x reader) [ON HIATUS]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum