NWSL 2017 Week 6, A USWNT Roster Drop, and Bridesmaids

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League Summary:

Bos v Por: 2-2 (Dowie, White; Nadim x2)
Sky Blue v Hou: 2-1 (Killion, Rodriguez; Andressinha)
Was v FCKC: 0-3 (Rodriguez x2, Newfield)
NCC v Chi: 3-1 (Press, Huerta, DiBernardo; Williams)
Sea v Orl: 1-1 (Yanez; Marta)


Amy's screech of joy nearly rendered Becky momentarily deaf. She shook her head in a valiant attempt to stop the ringing. There was no way she could be mad at her friend though. The pair had just helped FCKC to a resounding win against the Washington Spirit in Maryland. Amy's goals had been vintage A-rod, roaring past the defense to smoothly finish past Steph Labbe's outstretched hands. Icing on the cake had come after the game. Vlatko had informed them that Jill Ellis wished to speak to them – she had attended their game this week. In a small office/broom closet, the USWNT head coach had informed them both that they would be traveling to Europe as part of the squad to face Sweden and Norway.

The blonde forward had remained contained at the news, thanking Jill for the opportunity and promising to put her all in the camp. It was only after the coach had left and she had counted to 30 that Amy released the pent-up excitement. After observing the way that Ellis dropped players like stones once she believed they didn't fit in her system, Amy was sure that her obligatory post pregnancy callup had been her last.

"Did she really just say that? Please tell me that just happened!" Amy turned and took Becky's hands in her own, seeking reassurance.

"She did. You are going to Europe with the Gals." The defender's grin grew larger, if that was possible. Her friend had earned this. She saw the hours that Amy put in to get back into shape and sharper than ever, all while balancing caring for two boys with Adam.

Amy screeched again as she bounced, the excitement too large to contain any longer.

"I have to tell Adam! He will be over the moon!!!" The forward headed for the door, eager to return to their locker room.

Becky stayed out of her way, letting her race ahead. It had been a needed victory for Amy, and one she would surely celebrate tonight with the team. Once inside the locker room, she shot a text to Alyssa, promising to FaceTime after her shower. She knew that her fiancé would share in the joy she felt for their friend. On her way to scrub the grass stains off, she imagined the look of pure, radiant joy that would be on Tobin's face when she realized that her fellow new kid would be going to Europe with them. That was almost better than the victory.


"What a game sis! You played out of your mind that second half to keep them to one goal." Amanda hugged her twin. "I seriously don't know how you kept some of them out."

"Skill and luck." Alyssa shrugged but grinned when Amanda let her go. The win felt good. North Carolina were a highly skilled opponent and one of the best in the league at this point in the season. To beat them as resounding as they had lifted Chicago to the moon after drawing a resilient Boston squad the week before.

"Uh huh. Bashful as always I see." Amanda laughed as Alyssa swatted at her. "Care if I join you for dinner?"

"Never. We are headed to that barbeque place you recommended the last time we were in town. Meet us there?"

"Count on it."

The twins hugged one last time and went their separate ways. Alyssa heading to the mixed zone then to the locker room to shower up while Amanda made her way to her car. The jovial atmosphere carried over to the team bus. Sam Johnson plopped down next to Alyssa on the bus, grinning at her friend.

"What a game Lys! You were on fire!"

"Haha thanks Sam. You had a few clutch tackles yourself." The older woman returned her friend's smile. "Hey, give me just one second I have a voicemail from Ellis."

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