Chapter 5 'Just the smell of summer'

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'Just the smell of summer can make me fall in love'

Two weeks later

After the event, you and Roger hadn't talked as much as you used too. You went to the studio a couple times in an attempt to talk to him, but you barely got any reaction from him. Still, you kept going back to the studio, wanting to see his face, to hear his voice. And despite Roger being distant, it was fun in the studio, a little intense sometimes, but overall you enjoyed spending your time there. Getting to know the other band members a little better and of course, you loved to hear them play. Mary was often there too, and you usually ended up chatting with her, you got along quite well. The other guys kept offering you tea and biscuits, they were too lovely really. They even asked you out for dinner once. Apparently, they didn't know that you and Roger were usually very close because they didn't seem to notice that something was off.

Roger tried to avoid being alone with you at all costs. Sneaking out before everyone else and sometimes he didn't even say goodbye. The whole situation made you feel unsettled and unsure of your emotions towards him, and it also made you wonder how he felt. Did he hate you? But if he hated you he wouldn't have attempted to kiss you, right?

You tried to enjoy your free time, it was your summer vacation after all. But without Roger, it felt like something was missing.

A few weeks earlier your aunt -who lived in Italy- had asked if you could watch over her house for three weeks. She wanted to go on a vacation and of course, you couldn't say no to that offer. You had visited your aunt a couple of times when you were younger. The house she lived in was beautiful and you wondered how she could afford it since it was enormous.

You had asked Roger to come with you and as soon as Emily heard that you were going to Italy she invited herself to come along. Which you were glad about now. You were very excited to go but you were a little fearful to face Roger for such a long period of time. To your surprise, Roger called.

"Hi, Y/N. Uhm, I- uhh I was wondering- thinking about that trip to Italy." He began, and your heart dropped. Was he going to cancel? "I was wondering if maybe I could take the guys with, and Mary too?" He asked in a hesitant tone.

You sighed in relief and smiled. "Yes. Yes! That would be lovely!" You exclaimed. "The only problem is that we'll need a va-"

"I think I'll be able to get us a van." He interrupted.

"Oh, okay. That's uh- that's great!"

"Sorry, I need to go. I'll call you back if I find a van, okay? Bye!" And before you could answer, he'd hung up. Leaving you startled with the phone in your hand.

The trip

During the ride, things still felt different than normal. Roger wasn't as bubbly and goofy as usual and you couldn't help but feel a little upset about the whole situation. The ride to the house took three whole days. And Roger kept whining about the fact that it felt like he had been dumped in the fiery pits of hell. He wasn't wrong, it was indeed very hot, but that wasn't weird considering the fact that you sat in the van with seven people.

After three days of driving you arrived at the house, it was beautiful and so was the weather. The house was this gorgeous Italian villa, It was rather big. The house had 6 bedrooms, with three king size beds -god knows why your aunt had three- and three twin beds. There was this beautiful living room with a chandelier, a piano and the softest velvet couch you had ever felt. The kitchen was beautiful too, it was a little outdated, but everything worked just fine. The house wasn't in the best state, it was rather old and there was ivy growing all over the walls. Yes, it looked a bit messy, but it also gave the house character. The garden that was part of the property used to be fabulous, with statues and a fountain. But your aunt didn't take care of it, so the statues looked a little sad with moss growing all over them. The plants, on the other hand, were thriving. Flowers were all over the place and it smelled delicious. You figured that the garden was also a great place to read a book or make some paintings since it was very spacious and there was lots of light.

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