Hello Brother

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( waterfall's Pov ) " Losoto you lost the right to call me brother and old friend long ago," I say "you came alone I see you are still too much in the past," he says my eyes turn red " I don't I long to say goodbye to my family," I say.

"you're lost in your mind as you have always been, " He says I lung at him " now brother you're ready to end what we started years ago," He says " yes lets," I say 

( your pov ) I watch him fight his own brother I fear for my Boyfriend 

Waterfalls Pov) My eyes space out  ~ Losoto come one let's do it again practice makes perfect  ' your dead bro Ill get you this time " the golden-eyed male says.  sure you will I see the memories of who he was  LOSTO this isn't you please come back to me. " Losoto is gone now darkness is here you cant save me it's your fault.~ tears come to my eyes as I shake my head attacking " Im sorry brother," I say.

Knock him out and unlock you (you're pov ) " thanks," I say "let's go home," he says we come back," you okay  mast, " Zane asks he  nods 

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