How You meet

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( I dont own Ninjago But I do own my Oc  this will be different for all of you with short hair or dont like dresses ) ( waterfall's Pov ) I sit down mediating when My master comes up to me " Waterfall " Senise wu asks " Yes sensei " I ask " can you get some things from the store " Wu asks " yes " I say getting up.

I head to the store when I hear a noise I look to see a female being muged I walk up to the mugger " Hello is there a problem here " I ask " Back off Mutant " the mugger says " Mutant ?? " I say " no no no how wrong you are " I say.

I attack the mugger  once he leave I walk over to the female " I'm sorry I forgot to introduce my self names Waterfall " I say " Im y/n " You say " Nice to meet you I have to get to the store " I say running off. You look in your hand and see a piece of paper. 

I get to the store and take out the list Senise gave me as I walk around People look at me like I have a duck on my head  I ignore it as Im used to it My eyes being rainbow and what I am so I get the Items  and pay than head home I see you again sitting alone.

" Hello y/n " I say "whats wrong " I ask " I wish I knew why he attacked me and why he called you mutant  "She says her e/c meeting my eyes " who was it ? " I ask " My ex " You say ( not had an ex good had one sorry but than youll know the feeling ) " I sensed he was mad but the mutant thing im used to " I say.

" why " you ask " Im not human " I say " Im a lycanvamp dna of all animlas even mythical  and extincted and also a dark shapeshifter and Light shape shifter " I say My eyes now blue as Im ashamed " really " you ask I nod " also my eyes and hair look odd " I add running my hand trough my brown hair you brush your hand through your h/l h/c.

" well I did give you my number " I say  I look at my watch " dang it I got to go my guardian  will be mad" I say running off you head home " where were you " Senise asks " I help a  female  and talked to her " I say handing the grocery to him. (A/N Lycanvamp = werewolfvampier )

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