Introduction- Last Summer

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Fallon looked around. Her eyes seem to be choking on smoke. She feels like someone breathed out right against your face after smoking on a cigarette. She could hardly hear because the smoke clogged up her ears.

But she was sure she heard something. Or maybe someone calling her name.

Then she realised it wasn't her name that they were calling.

The smoke thickened before her eyes, until it was so thick that she could only see darkness. She felt like two huge cotton balls filled up each of her ears.

Suddenly she heard girls' voices. They were screaming a name somewhere near her. The moment she made out the name they were calling, it stung the inside of her mouth. It stung harder than the burning, hot smoke all around.

"Ariana! Ariana!"

The voices seemed to be getting louder. Suddenly she felt a shoe, stamp quite close to her face. Then she felt herself being lifted up.

Though the girls all thought she was laying unconsciously in the gazebo for the last two hours, she actually only just got there.

When the fire started she realised something went terribly wrong. She tried to put it out but it only spread. When the smoke filled her lungs, she started loosing her breath. Besides when she then fell to the dusty floor, her head hit the ground.

It felt as if it was bleeding right now.

She would have died if she stayed in there, she knew that and the girls knew it too.

The thing the girls didn't know, there and then, was that someone did die in that fire. Fallon knew but she couldn't ever say...

They knelt down on the moist, mossy lawn looking, terrified at the Cullen family's burning gazebo. Those girls had no idea how Fallon got inside the the fire. They weren't even with Fallon when it started.

To be honest, they were never with Fallon. The four of them always drifted around Ariana Thomas, where ever they would go, together. Fallon had gotten used to being constantly threatened and laughed at by 'Ariana and co.' That was what the others at school called them. Ariana's Clique, Ariana's Bitch Club, Ariana and Co. It was always Ariana. All the time.

This had annoyed Fallon since she could remember. Ever since Fallon started school she was the shy girl with her group of quiet besties. They were the ones that weren't noticed.

At least according to Ariana.

Her dream had always been that Ariana disappeared or just shut up for life and let her, Fallon, be an even better, well... Ariana than Ariana herself.

Right now, watching the twinkling flames gobble up the old wooden gazebo, Fallon's eyes started clearing. She could see it all perfectly now.

She could see what she was guilty for.

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