Yes! Oh, that would be fucking hilarious.

Casp grinned. "Who needs arms when we have claws?" She unsheathed her claws.

It's fine, you can still punch her in the face.

Cassandra shrugged. "Well, nice try. Chip? Plan B."

Please tell me Plan B is punch them in the face.

Chip pulled a lever. Every door on that level sprang open. The Doctor and Rose clambered out of their cell alongside a lot of dazed and diseased people. Jatt and Casp looked horrified.

Well, at least she let them out.

"What've you done?" the Doctor questioned.

"Gave the system a shot of adrenaline, just to wake them up," Cassandra explained. "See you!" She ran off. Cassandra raced down the stairs. The Doctor and Rose followed. There was a scream and then every cell opened. The people the cat nuns had dismissed as flesh were free. There was another scream as Sister Jatt died and fell over the edge of the catwalk.

Serves her right!

"Oh my god," Cassandra gasped. The diseased were leaving their cells. They moved a bit like zombies. 

"What the hell have you done?" the Doctor roared.

"It wasn't me!" Cassandra called back.

The Doctor was seething. "One touch and you get every disease in the world, and I want that body safe, Cassandra. We've got to go down."

He really seems to care about you.

Don't sound so surprised. I'm irresistible.

More like irresponsible. And I'm just surprised by how quickly you've grown on him.

I'm fucking awesome. Of course, I grew on him quickly. Wait, how long did it take you?

To be fair, we met when you were a child.

How long?

Six years.

The fuck?

Cassandra, Rose, and the Doctor had ended up back at Cassandra's lair. She ran for the back door, but it was blocked by another throng of people. 

"We're trapped!" she wailed. "What am I going to do?"

"Well, for starters, you're going to leave that body," the Doctor ordered. "That psychograft is banned on every civilized planet. You're compressing Nora to death."

Wait, she is?

Yes, but at a much slower rate than she would a typical human. You have me to thank for that.

Oh, well, thanks.

"But I've got nowhere to go," Cassandra whined. "My original skin's dead and you'll just throw another hissy fit if I go into Rose."

Rose let out a noise of disgust. "Ugh. Do not go into me."

"Not my problem," the Doctor said. "You can float as atoms in the air. Now, get out. Give her back to me."

'Give her back to me?' I think the Doctor has a bit of a crush!

Oh, shut up. He just likes staring at my tits.

He put his arm around your shoulders earlier.

I'm not having this conversation with you right now.

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