[ 6 ] teen mom !

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a week later he arrived to your state. you hadn't seen him in a long time so, needless to say, you were nervous. still, you and your mom volunteered to pick him up from the airport. he was gonna stay at his friend jack's house those two days though so he wasn't gonna stay at yours.

when you saw him, you suddently remembered how much you had missed him. he gave you a tight hug and you hugged him back.

on the way to your house, you were nervous. you were in the backseat with him and he totally noticed what was up with you. "y/n?" he said, almost in a whisper.

you looked up, trying to seem nonchalant. "yeah?"

"listen, i know why you're so nervous. i'm gonna meet andi today, right?" he said. you sighed and nodded. "it's okay. you know that, right? you're my friend. i would never look at you differently. okay?"

you looked up at him and suddently felt this wave of adoration invade your body. adoration for him, and for being so ridiculously sweet about the situation.

you smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck. "thank you." you whispered. "thank you so much."

you and your mom had cleaned the entire house before the day of finn's arrival so you weren't too nervous about that aspect. as you two walked up the stairs, a little whine was heard. you instantly smiled, recognizing your daughter in the sound.

"ready?" you said to finn.

"yup." finn said smiling at you. you nodded and opened the door.

your eyes immediately lit up when you saw her standing up in her crib, grabbing the bars between her little hands. her hair was y/h/c just like yours was. when she saw you, she let out a little giggle that made your heart melt. "well hello gorgeous!" you cooed. you walked towards the crib and held her in your arms. "who's mommy's little girl?" you kissed her cheek a few times before turning towards finn who just looked at the both of you with a little smirk on his face. "look andi, mommy brought a friend. this is finn!"

you walked towards finn with andi between your arms. at first, the curly haired boy looked pretty speechless. that made you chuckle. "you don't have to say anything, really. it's fine. i know it's weird. but believe me when i tell you this: she's a blessing. i don't regret keeping her at all." you said, looking down fondly at your angel.

"that's great." he said, his eyes darting to the baby girl. "hey you." he smiled. "how you doin' ?" he said, making andi let out a small giggle.

you bit back a smile before placing her back on her crib. you sat down on your bed and finn joined you. you could tell he wanted to ask questions, and you didn't blame him.

"so... you seem to be handling this whole thing pretty well." he said, quite unsure of where to start.

you nodded. "yeah, i guess things are going pretty well for us. of course, i had to start homeschooling when i had her because i couldn't just leave her the entire day, you know, how would she eat? who would put her to sleep?" you explained as finn nodded in understanding. "i mean, my parents still help me when i need it and that's been so great for me because... i'm still a teenager." you shrugged.

"and how did you decide to keep the baby instead of... you know." he asked. he probably meant to ask why you hadn't had an abortion. a lot of girls your age who ended up pregnant took that choice and you found it more than understandable.

"i was scared, i'm not gonna lie. at first, i didn't want her. but the abortion thing just... terrified me. i didn't want to go through with it, i was too scared to." you looked down as you started fiddling with your fingers. "so i planned to give her up for adoption after she was born. but when i first held her in my arms i-i..." you took a deep breath as you felt tears pricking your eyes. finn noticed and held your hand in comfort. "i just knew i couldn't let anyone take her away from me. she was my little girl. and i was gonna do whatever i could to keep her safe and to be a good mom." you sniffled, a single tear streaming down your face that you quickly wiped off. "jesus." you breathed out, feeling a little bit stupid.

there were a few seconds of silence before finn asked another question. "and... her dad?" he simply said.

you bit your inner cheek. that was the question you were dreading to answer, but the one you knew would eventually come. but he deserved to know.

"andi's dad is... an asshole." you said. "he was a friend of mine from school. he used to be my best friend. it almost felt like a fanfiction." you chuckled sarcastically. "best friends who fall in love? yup, that was us." you clicked your tongue. "until i got pregnant and he suddently decided that i wasn't worth his time. he switched schools and everything. never said a word to me after i told him, never said goodbye... nothing." you murmured, feeling like crying again.

in that moment, you felt arms wrapping around you. and that was the moment when you allowed yourself to cry. in the comfort of finn's hug you felt comfortable enough to let it all out.

"you're so brave." he whispered in your ear. you sniffled. "i hope you know that. being a teen parent isn't easy business and not everybody can pull it off but it seems like you can." he pulled away slightly, looking deeply into your eyes. "you're amazing." he whispered.

you smiled fondly at finn. you couldn't believe how great he was handling all of it. he recieved the information and didn't back off. most people shut you out when they found out you were a teen mom and here he was, being the most accepting person you had ran into in a while.

you didn't know why you did what you did but the feeling of gratitude was blinding you. you leaned in a kissed him for a second before pulling away.

you suddently felt embarrassed. "s-sorry. i... i don't know why i did that." you breathed out before looking away.

"it's okay." he shrugged, a soft smile plastered on his lips. "the baby was watching, though." he chuckled as he turned around. but andi was just playing with a teddy bear you had bought her a few weeks after she was born.

you snickered as you ran your fingers through your hair. "listen finn, i'm gonna be honest with you." you said, making him perk up. "i like you. i really do, okay? and i kissed you because... you've just been so good to be these past months and these past few minutes you've told me words i've been needing to hear for a long time." you confessed. "but i just... i have a kid to take care of. i'm not sure if i want to be in a relationship at the moment. andi has to come first, you know?"

"yeah, totally. besides i'm pretty busy too, with the gigs and all that stuff. i mean i know it's nothing compared to you but, yeah." he added, making you chuckle.

"yeah, i see what you mean." you nodded. "but you know, i love talking to you and i trust you like i trust very few people. very few people know what i told you today." that made him smile real wide. "i want you in my life, finn."

"and i want you in mine y/n." he answered. "friends?" he asked.

you held his hand. "friends."




here's a special shoutout to a teen mom that i admire deeply, and her name is maddie lambert. you can find her on youtube, she's 16 and has an one year old daughter. she takes care of her, she feeds her and is constantly present in her life. she's truly an inspiration and definitely the person i was thinking of while writing this. she's truly a hero 💓

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant