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                              ~Third person~
*Crack* A huge lightning bolt cracks across the sky. Sending an earth shaking *Boom* across the dorm. It's 2 am and everyone is asleep. Well almost everyone. Alex can't sleep with his PTSD from the hurricane, the huge thunderstorm going on at the time isn't helping either.
      Laurens is already sleeping on the corner of the huge bed. He didn't want to invade Alex's privacy. But he wakes up from partially the huge boom from the storm, but mainly Alex's screams.
       Laurens bolts out of bed and races to the other side of the room, were Alex is curled up in a ball whimpering.
        John has no idea what to do. Do I comfort him? Do I leave him be? Do I call in Laf or Herc? After a 3 seconds John decides to comfort him.
          "Shhhh,shhhhh, it's alright Alex. Your safe." John whispers as he inches closer to the frightened man. Careful not to touch him, not knowing if that would trigger something. John keeps repeating this but to no avail.
             After a good 10 minutes, John decides that he needs to do something more. He inches right up beside the man and whispers, "shhhh, don't cry, it's alright, I'm here your safe" as he says this, he gently raps his strong arms around him.
             Alex instantly stiffens, only to melt into John's grasp moments later. He seems to snap out of the daze he was in. He's left staring up at the man he loves, holding him. John notices this too. John smiles, and says yet again "don't worry your ok" he didn't know what had scared him. All he knew was, he was terrified.
            "T-the s-storm" Alex whispers, with a far away look in his dark chocolate eyes. All the sudden it makes sense to John. He had hear about the hurricane that hit Alex's home land. But before he could comfort him, *Crack* Another burst of bone rattling thunder.
             Alex's whole body tenses up as he starts to whimper again, nestling he's head into John chest. John soon lifts Alex up carting him to their shared bed. He gently lays him down. He climbs up next to him, raping his arms around him.
Alex turns in his arms, now facing John he nestles he's head into Johns chest again. John smiles and looks down to see an already sleeping Alex.
          John moves himself a bit so he's comfortable. "I love you Hamilton" John whispers "goodnight"
           Well apparently Alexander was not asleep." Goodnight Laurens"
          John's cheeks go bright red instantly, knowing Alexander heard him.
         Uhhhh, I hate mornings so much. I complain in my mind, but then I remember. Many I don't hate this morning that much, as I look up at a sleeping John.
          Suddenly all the memories from last night come crashing down on Alexander. Sure, I'm still a bit sad thinking of the flashback I had, and you could bet my ass I'm embarrassed John saw me like that but........the words keep repeating in his head. "I love you Hamilton" John whispered, assuming Alex was asleep.
          Maybe he didn't mean it, then again, many he did. No. No, he didn't mean it Alex. He was too caught up in his worry to comfort you, he didn't know how to help, so he said that.
           After about 10 minutes of just laying in John's arms, Alex finally gets out of bed. Uhhg, my backs soo sore, many I'll make coffee, and watch some Umbrella Academy.  So a make a black coffee line always and sit down to watch my tv show. Not even before I finish one episode, I hear shuffling from my room.
           I always wake up early, even on weekends. Like today for example, it's Saturday  and I'm up at 5:30. I don't know who else is up to be honest. I know for damn sure it's not Laf or Herc. They sleep in till like 12. I guess it's John then, but he didn't strike me as a morning person
          But shure enough, there John was. Standing in the frame of our room, half naked, and as bubbly as ever. I guess I missed detail from last night. But shurley he had a shirt on then. Even when im in that state, I would have noticed THOSE abs. DAMN. John must have noticed me staring , cause he turned a bright red color. Highliting every single freckle John had. If that was even possibale. Gracefully, John walts over to me and whispers,
           "Soooo about last night," sending shivers down my spine, but not from the flashbacks. No, im fine now. I demand, not wanting any pitty.
           "No," He chuckles. "Not that part," he pauses, "Did you mean it?" John askesd. Suddenly I know what he's talking about. Yes, I awnser proudly. Hoping he would say the same thing, but expecting him to freak out. But thats not what happened. John smiled, not saying a single word, but I could tell throught his eyes, he felt the same way I did. He leaned in and started kissing me. At first it was just a soft innocent kiss, but does anything ever stay that way? Quickly he got a bit rougher, turning it into a makeout session.
                                                                  ~Third Person~
Alex quickly asserted his domanance by changing his posistion, and thrusting his tounge into John's mouth. John didn't mind, matter a fact, he liked it that way. ALthough he would never admit it. He did nothing to approve of it at first, but not that long after, he let out a muffled moan. Alex slowly made his way from John's lips to his ear, then slowly moved down to his jaw finally reaching his neck. Planting kisses the whole way. It didn't take very long for him to find John's sweet spot, and when he did, lord, was that a moan. ALex was so shocked, relizing that he made John make that noise he almost stopped. But he didn't stop. ( cause he's just non-stop) Alex slowly moved his hand down Lauren's waist. Finally resting it between John's legs, but before anything could get serious, the hear a load suprised almost, Laf,
          "Jesus Christ Mon, Amie get a room!" he yelled, while obviously cheering them on. This must have woken Hercules up because before they knew it, Herc was screaming and chanting,
          " YASSS, work it Alex. Slay Alex, slay."


Yes, I know, I know thaat moved a bit fast, but I got bored of fluff. IT'S TIME FOR SMUT CHER'EN!!!!!

Word count 1,103
If ya'll have any advice please comment it. :)

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