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"OH MY GOD SHUT UP" i shouted at my phone because the stupid alarm clock went off.

today was the first day of 11th grade.

"kill me" i said to myself as i thought about school and about how i still have senior year to go through.

It was time to get ready after i checked all my social medias as in Instagram that was mostly filled with One Direction fan pages... Plus twitter and Snapchat i dont use facebook beacause its boring and its for old people.

I got out of my beautiful and comfy bed and got into the shower. Whenever i take a shower i have to blast music for some reason so today i just put it on one direction radio on pandora. i would usually use spotify because its way better than pandora in my opinion, but today i used pandora because i was tired of the songs on my play list so i had to use pandora.

Once i got done showering i just did the usual you know brush my teeth and hair.

now was the most stressful part of the day... I had to pick an outfit to wear so i decided i would wear a dress. It has this weird design on it but its super cute and i wore some brown sandels because it was still 50 million degrees out in California like every other day.

I made my way downstairs and had cereal because I'm too lazy to make real food. My mom came downstairs and kissed my cheek, I ended up wiping it off because I'm too old for that kinda stuff.

"Lilly don't wipe off my kisses" my mom said. "Mom I'm in 11th grade you should like hug me or something instead" I replied. "Oh god please stop growing up" she said "can't really help it mom" I said. " alright see ya after school!" I said. "HAVE A AMAZING DAY" "mom I'm right here you don't have to scream" I said calm. "Whatever goodbye" I gave her a hug and I was on my way to the black hole called high school.

When I got there I was greeted my best friend Maleah and my other best friends Tori and Anna.

"Hey Squad" I smiled as I hugged them. "Hey Lilly" they said all at the same time and we laughed. We literally laugh at nothing.

We all walked to class together even though we have all different classes except 5th period which is math, the worst one of all.

I walked in my first class, science. Yay.not. I dislike science very very much. You learn about so many useless things, like who cares who made the first telescope.

I saw that we had assigned seating. Are we joking? That sucks I hate assigned seating. I saw the person sitting next to me was named Luke. I didn't know anybody named Luke that goes to this school. So maybe a new student?

I don't know but I hope he's nice and not some annoying stuck up kid.

While I was waiting for class to start i was on my phone texting Maleah, Tori and Anna in a group message. Let's just say I was laughing way to hard.

Some kid with super beautiful hair and face walked up next to my chair. "I believe this is where I sit" oh he has a British accent okay. "Uh well is you're name Luke?" I smile "it is" he said "well I guess it is then" I mean he's pretty cute.

That whole class the teacher named Mrs.Yonkers was introducing herself and all that stuff that you do on the first day.

It was time for Spanish. I kinda like Spanish actually its pretty easy for me because I learned Spanish in 6th grade for the school I went to.

"Hey wait up" I heard and I looked back. I saw that kid Luke running for me. "Uh hey?" I said trying to sound non awkward at all. "I didn't catch you name and if were gonna be sitting next to each other I gotta know you name" he smiled "Lilly" I smiled back.

"Well what's you're next class?" I asked "um Spanish with Mrs.Register" he said looking at a paper assuming that was his class schedule "oh okay great I'm in that class to!" I said surprised

"Wait can I see you're schedule?" I asked "sure" he said handing it to me. I looked over it with my hand running over the page. "Well I'm in all those classes except the math you're in" I handed it back smiling. "Oh really? What math are you in?" " algebra 2, math is not my greatest subject" I say. Of course he's in trig ugh mom and dad why did you have to curse me of being terrible at math.

"Oh" was all he said


(Cliffhanger!!! I'msorry! AndI'malsosorrythatIdidn'tcontinuemystoryinthelastfewmonthsitsjustthatIthoughIwasn'tcapableofdoingsomethinglikethisbutI'mgonnatry!alsoI'msorryifthechaptersareshortitjustseemslongerwhenyouwritingthemhahaokayloveyou!) 10 votespleaseee

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