Chapter 6

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School days this week went by like a breeze, but of course, nervousness was still there. I was there in my house laying down on my couch, scrolling through my phone.

It surprisingly became calmer as the days went by this week. They haven't found any more corpse, meaning I still haven't eaten. I could probably last a month without eating. Aizawa sensei also hasn't said about something regarding the body I have eaten.

Regarding the boy that saw, well, he was taken under someone's care. He couldn't really speak well after what he saw. That kid's probably traumatized. I feel somehow responsible, which I am.

Todoroki and I became closer this week. We're now friends I guess. We eat together during recess, I know more about him and vice versa.

I sighed and sat up, placing my phone on the table near the couch. I stared at the ceiling for a while before my phone rang. I picked it up and put it by my ear. "Hello?"

"(L/N)!" I heard Uraraka's voice from the phone. I smiled to myself, "Hey Uraraka, what's up?" "Wanna go and hang out?" She answered. I thought for awhile whether I was gonna go with them.

"Well.... Sure I guess! Who are coming with?" I asked. I stood up and went to my room while waiting for her answer.

"Hm..... Me, Deku, Iida, Mina, and Tsuyu! Ne, maybe you can invite Todoroki to join us!" She beamed, and I can already imagine her smiling face. I sighed, placing my phone between my ear and shoulder as I rummaged through my closet, "Mm.... Maybe. I don't know if he'll come with though. I'll try and ask him."

"Okay!~ See you later, (L/N)!" Uraraka ended the call as as I placed my phone on the bed and looked through my closet for proper clothes before calling Todoroki.

"Hey, Todoroki!" I grinned at myself as he picked up his phone. "Oh, (L/N). What is it? Do you need something?" He asked as I put the phone on speaker and placed it on the bed, looking through my closet once more.

"Uraraka's inviting our classmates to go hang out. Do you wanna come with?" I asked nervously. I don't even know if he'll agree to come or not. He was silent for a while before answering, "Sure I guess. Would you be there though?"

"Yup!" I smiled to myself when he agreed to come. I was happy that he did, although I don't know why. 'Probably because we're friends.' Yeah.... Friends.

"What time though?" I heard some shuffling noise in the background once he said that. "Uhm... I forgot to ask Uraraka, heh. I'll text her what time we'll meet up and where. Then I'll forward the information to you."

"Alright. See you later then." Todoroki then ended the call as I sighed, finding a clothing to wear. I decided to take a small bath first before going out.

T I M E  S K I P

I was debating to myself what I would wear. Currently, I have found three clothes to wear.

I sighed in frustration, and in the end, I decided to wear (clothing choice from above).  I combed my hair and did everything necessary and grabbed my bag, walking out of the house and locking the door afterwards.

I started walking as I fished my phone from my pocket, opening a messaging app as I texted everyone.

(L/N): Hey guys! I'm on my way UwU

Uraraka: Nice! See everyone later!~

Midoriya: Be careful guys, see you!

Mina: I just left the haus lawl. See ya

I exited the app and locked my phone, putting it back in my pocket as I went to the place we were supposed to meet up.

T I M E  S K I P

I was currently with Uraraka, Midoriya, and Todoroki, waiting for the others to come.
"Agh.... I'm bored. What time will they come?!" I sighed in frustration. I didn't like waiting that long, but Mina, Tsuyu, and Iida were taking too long to arrive.

"Calm down, (L/N). It's going to be fine. They'll be here soon. Speaking of, there they are!" Uraraka waved at our friends who ran towards where we are.

I saw Iida, Midoriya, Mina, Tsuyu, Kirishima, and Bakugo. "Eh?" I tilted my head inc confusion, wondering as to why Kirishima and Bakugo had come with. "You never said  Kirishima and Bakugo would come, Uraraka." I looked over at her, seeing her smile at me.

"Well, it was more likely a last minute decision." She giggled. I just smiled back, "Ah... I see. Well then," I clasped my hands together and looked at everyone, "To the arcade, everyone!"

"Yeah!~" Everyone cheered. We were all ready to spend our weekend hanging out. Bakugo always had that scowl on his face, but it seems as if he would enjoy his time.

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