Chapter 11

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*I have warnings in the bio of this story, but just as a warning don't read this is you don't like the thought of blood, maybe?*

The silence between the two of you made the fire sound louder than before, echoing off of the wooden walls. Secretly, you glance from the corner of your eyes to see what John is doing. You discover him to still be twirling and fiddling with the pocketknife. You see a few tiny plane tattoos on the inside of his right arm. "Where'd you get your ink tattoos?" Your voice was a bit too loud cutting through the silence. "My brother." He states.

Well, that wasn't a lot of detail. Okay...

"Did you ask him for certain stuff, or-"

"Are you finished with these questions yet?" He huffs. "Yeah, sorry..."

The silence lasts for a whole 5 seconds before you think of another question, "Why'd you get those?" You ask, extending your finger to the planes. John takes the butt of his knife and whacks your finger with it. The hard metal makes you whine slightly. What the hell was that for?

He gets up, grabs a shirt and vest, then begins his way to to a side door. Curiously, you follow behind him. The door reveals a private hangar connected to the ranch with several planes in it. They are beautiful, especially the one in the front center which must be his favorite to use. It is dark blue like the dress shirt he wears underneath his vest. The accents on it are a glossy black paint without a speck of dust on it.

"These are gorgeous." You quietly whisper, gazing in awe at the planes. John flips a lever and the gate begins to open on the hangar, letting sunlight reflect off the metal. He walks to the blue plane and opens the door to the passenger entrance before going around and hopping in the driver seat.

You peer out to the open sunlight and ponder if you should just run for the forest and leave this all behind.

But, you don't.

You climb into the plane and shut the door. John seems to have a satisfied smirk on his lips, like he had thought the same thing you did about running away. Was that a test?

The propellers buzzed to life; interested, you watched the Baptist operate the plane. You had seen Nick drive a plane before, and it was no different from the skill that John has also.

The plane ride is a pretty quite one; you gaze down at Hope County and start to think about just how small your mission seems in this huge stretch of land. A bit later, John lands at Nolan's Fly Shop in Faith's Region. He hops out and opens your door from your side. Sometimes, you forget how many manners the charismatic lunatic actually has.

"Want this?" He asks as you both walk to the shop, holding out a bliss flower to you. "Absolutely not." You hiss, slapping it out of his hand.

Probably another one of your brightest ideas.

John snaps and grasps your neck firmly in his clutch, lifting you just slightly off your heels, "Don't you EVER touch me like that again, do you understand me?" He scolds. You gasp for air and kick your feet a little, wanting to get down. You nod as a response, making John release your neck, which sends you to your hands and knees. You cough and attempt to regain your breath.

It's hard to remember that John isn't some normal man you can communicate with. He isn't going to get 'soft' just because the two of you had sex. Even Joseph threatens John, and he's his own brother. There is no changing who John Seed is, there is only learning boundaries to avoid switching him to the physical anger like that. Maybe he just thought offering the bliss flower was some weird type of sweet?

John picks out a fishing rod and hands it to you before picking one out for himself. The two of you sit on the dock and cast your bait. There's a long wait with no conversation, if you had to guess- 30 minutes.

"There are two things I want to do right now..." he mutters, focusing on the line. You curiously look at him, knowing he can see you from the corner of his eyes.

"One. I want to pin you down and slice off that wraith carving... I want to hear you confess every life you have taken since you've been in this county. I want to display it for everyone to see and I want your blood to stain the floors of the church. Only then can I dig back into you to complete your list of sins-"

His words knot in your stomach, frightening you to think of that actually happening right now. Although, John knows you won't confess yet; and unless you thoroughly piss him off, he won't make you. Not that that makes the feeling any better.

"And two. I want to take those clothes off with my teeth and I want to hear you begging for my mercy while I drill you into this hard ground. I want to hear you screaming my name and I want to feel your nails digging into my back. I want them to bleed and I want to feel you fighting back to be free of me."

The knots in your stomach start to twist in a different direction. You feel your heart beating faster at his every word, making your body hot and tense. You stare at him with your mouth slightly parted in disbelief of his boldness. His eyes focus on you and glance down to your lips. "Ah, fuck this." He growls, tossing his pole into the water. He forcefully yanks you to his lap and pulls your lips to his.

You know you're still sore, but you also know that you're in no position to object. Missing as little beats as possible, he pulls the hoodie over your head and tosses it beside you. You remove his vest and button-up silk shirt while letting his tongue explore your mouth. As promised, he trails bite marks down your neck and to your bra, removing it with his teeth.

John may be a twisted fuck, but at least what you see is what you get.

John stands up and pulls you up with him by your thighs, digging his nails into your jeans. He sets you down at the base of the dock and lets you remove his jeans, which he returns for yours. He pushes you up against the wall of the Fly Shop and shoves himself into you in one motion. The pain makes you cry out, which makes John moan.

You manage through several deep thrusts before you find a way to break from his desperate kisses. "John, stop- It's hurting." You whine. He ignores your words and bites down on your neck. "John, seriously!" You insist, pushing him off of you. He backs off of you then tosses your body to the ground to get more control over you and make it harder to push off. Fuck, this is what he said he wanted. And something tells you he isn't going to stop until he gets it.

He rams back into you and pins your hips to the cold and hard ground beneath you. You feel your Lust carving burning, almost in irony. The burning makes you dig your nails into his back and cry out. Johns moans against your neck, "Louder, Deputy." You bite your lip and cry out again, just slightly louder than before.

It isn't enough for the sadistic Harold of Holland Valley. You feel something press into your side, something cold and sharp- his pocket knife. "I said louder." He growls. The new pain mixed with the rest of your pain makes you squeeze your eyes shut and scream out "John, please!" You dig your nails deeper into his back, feeling them break skin from how hard you're having to dig to release the pain.

You feel him still pounding in to you regardless if your efforts to push him away or slide out from under him. Everything he had said he wanted, he is getting- and there's nothing you can do about it.

With one last scream from you, and a seductive groan from John, he pulls out and ejects onto your stomach. Panting, he sits up and looks at the bloody knife in his hand. You see your own blood running down his hand and a few spots where it clung onto his sweaty body.

With one last ounce of energy, you look down at your side to see your blood pouring onto the grass and the concrete beneath you. Your breathing gets slowly and your eyes flutter shut from the wound.

Redemption (John Seed x Reader Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ