"sorry, your beloved member," she turned back and gave an innocent smile to san "took this from my hand and read the personal letter that was from.." she paused. "you'll see." she gave the letter to wooyoung and dragged him to a more private place where his noisy members weren't around.

she opened up the letter given to her but didn't read it yet as wooyoung watched her. "we have to open this up together." lulu said.

"why?" he asked and smiled.

"because!!" she told him and watched him carefully. "i got all eyes on you jung wooyoung, this won't be romantic if you open it without me."

"fine, three two-" wooyoung stopped when he noticed lulu reading it already with a shocked expression. "yah! you said read it together." he whined and lulu smiled brightly.

"i-i got accepted!" she screamed.

"to what??" he asked and held onto lulu as she continued jumping.

"i'm gonna start working as a marine biologist!" she said loudly and wooyoung smiled as well.

"he said i have enough experience to work as a marine biologist!"

wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "who said?"

lulu's smile faltered a bit but she smiled again brighter this time. "read your letter."

wooyoung read his letter and he left a unreadable expression as he looked at lulu. "this is from dad?" he asked and lulu nodded.

he smiled a bit and hugged lulu tightly. "thank you lulu."

lulu was quite confused but hugged back. "what happened?"

"he gave me and jongho plane ticket back to our hometown so i can spend time with you and dad. i'm gonna visit after promotions end!" he smiled and lulu smiled as well happily.

"thank you so much lulu." lulu smiled and hugged him back.


"wooyoung." the dad smiled a bit. wooyoung smiled back and hugged his dad. "i'm sorry i left dad, i'm so sorry." the dad hugged back and nodded.

"you said sorry so many times, ever since you came here. i forgive you, okay? this is the last time i'll see you in a while so make me proud son." he chuckled.

wooyoung nodded.

they had a small conversation that lasted a few minutes, asking eachother about life and such.

he held him by the shoulders and told his son "treat lulu like a queen, because without her you wouldn't be made king." he told him with much hope in his eyes.

"king? king of what?" wooyoung asked and his father just chuckled.

"nothing, now go. enjoy yourself while it lasts."

wooyoung nodded and gave his father one last hug before joining lulu, jongho and junyoung.

"how's debut jongho!?" junyoung smiled as he held his friend by the arms.

"it's tiring but fun." he admitted and smiled back.

"yah, you only have a day left here so you better not leave me at any given moment." he pouted and stomped his feet.

"i promise i won't leave you, junyoung." he held his friend and pretended to choke him as they continued walking.

"noona, we'll go to the gaming cafe!" he told lulu and she nodded. "but you have to come back before it gets really dark."

now it was just lulu and wooyoung walking together, not even touching eachother but giving glances at times.

"you know, you could always take a picture. it'll last longer." wooyoung said.

"shouldn't i be saying the same thing to you?" she mocked and skipped forward.

"hey come back!" he caught up and held her hand. "i want to take you somewhere."

lulu nodded and he led the way, dragging her with him.

it was the old pond at the daycare, she expected this knowing wooyoung too well.

the sun was setting and the fireflies were visible. the only thing heard was the buzzing of the fireflies and the frogs croaking here and there.

he held her hands and got something out of his pocket.

"omg wooyoung you didn't." she said in a sarcastic tone and laughed out loud.

wooyoung smiled and took the necklace out of the case. "hey don't expect too much, maybe in two to three years."

lulu widened her eyes but before she could say anything, the necklace glistened before her eyes.

"a frog necklace? that's so cute!" she squealed.

"it's not only a frog necklace, it means a lot. like rebirth, luck, purity, wisdom and fertility."

"okay i understand the others but fERTILIY?" she gasped.

wooyoung laughed while putting the necklace on her.

"i said don't expect much until the coming years."

"wooyoung you little-"

he raised his eyebrows at lulu and she said the first thing that came to mind.

"frog." she finished.

"frog? seriously?"

"hey! frogs symbolism is that they're patient, initutive, a great listener and gives good advice. you fit all that except the initutive thing."

"i am initutive!" he argued and lulu laughed.

"i'm just joking, seriously." she held her stomache.

"huh, well your a frog because your all slimy and green!" he argued.

"says the one with green hair."

he sighed but smiled right after. "there's a saying that if you kiss a frog, your prince will appear."

wooyoung pointed to his lips and when he closed his eyes waiting for a pair of lips, he didn't feel anything and he opened his eyes to see a frog on lulu's hands.

she stuck the frog onto wooyoung's face and he was kissing it.

she laughed as soon as the frog jumped off.

"guess my prince is standing in front of me then." he wiped his lips with the back of his hand and held lulu by the face then kissed her.

"i just got kissed by a frog."




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