Jimin chuckled darkly, before he practically laid on the bars to his cell.

  Jungkook rolled his eyes, before turning to Jimin. "Hyung, do you have to be so.. indecent?" He asked, a little taken aback by how Jimin acted.

  Jimin chuckled, before he sighed. "I don't know what you mean, I'm just trying to give her the love she deserves."

  Jungkook grimaced. "Can't you keep it in your pants for at least the time your in prison?" Jungkook rolled his eyes again, a little ticked off at his hyung's actions.
  Jimin chuckled. "Sorry, I can't help myself." He grinned. "Unlike you, I really am in for rape."

  Jungkook rolled his eyes, before looking at him. "But you've changed. You seriously putting on a demeanor to scare her off?"

  Jimin shook his head. "Nope. I actually like her." He grinned widely.

  Jungkook shrugged, before he began to become excited. "Hyung, you do know the members are coming to get us soon, right?" He asked, smiling widely.

  Jimin nodded, becoming slightly excited. He then began to jump up and down like a five year old finally getting the lollipop he wanted. "We can bring her with us!"
  Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "You do realize how difficult that would make things, right?"

  Jimin nodded enthusiastically.

  Jungkook sighed, before shaking his head. "Fine, but if Namjoon gets upset then, I'm not afraid to throw you under the bus."

  "Namjoon can get over it." He chuckled, before his grasp on the cell became tighter. "No one will hurt her, no one will touch her, not until I get to."

  Jungkook shook his head. "Oh well, be careful, Hyung."

  She quickly locked the door to the hallway and walked as fast as she could towards the cafeteria area, the hair on the back of her neck rising like a cat's fur.

  She shook off the disgusting feeling that coated her like a blanket, and made her way towards the table where the boys sat.

  "Alright, kids!" She clapped her hands together, smiling. "Time to go back to your cells."
  She pulled her keys out of her pocket, and began leading them back to their cells, as they chatted happily behind her. She hummed contentedly.

  Once she was finished, she tidied up her desk, cleaned up her mess and threw away her trash.

  She made her way over to Cole's office, ready to check in for the day.

  But, the thing is, as she opened the door, she froze.

Cole was tied up to a chair in the center of the room, with a gun pushed to the back of his head. He sat as still as stone.

  The man who intimidated her earlier was now wearing a mask and his attention was now on her figure in the doorway.

  He turned his gun around and slammed the end of it against Cole's head, knocking him out. He quickly put the gun forward once more and pointed it at her, and she froze.

  "Show me where Jungkook and Jimin are." He stalked towards her like a cat ready to pounce. He shoved her towards the door and growled. "Now."

  She quickly led him towards the prisoners ,inwardly screaming. Who's bright idea was it to leave just her and Cole on duty?! She mentally slapped her boss, as she quickly unlocked the door to the hallway leading to their cells. Sweating profusely, she fiddled with the handle, causing the man to growl in annoyance.

  She led him down the hall, the gun still to her head, and stopped in front of their cells.

  She gulped down the lump in her throat and pointed to their individual cells. "They're there." She stuttered, shaking slightly.

  The man pushed her towards the cell, one hand on her shoulder and the gun to the side of her head. He pushed her towards Jungkook's cell first.

  Jimin began to yell how happy he was to see [Y/n], as he clung onto the bars of his cell. "Angel~ Speak of the devil~!" He sang, his eyes crazed as he looked her up and down.

  She shivered uncomfortably, as the man stopped her in front of Jungkook's cell. Jungkook gave her a cocky smirk, that she scowled at. She took her keys and unlocked the cell door, before Jungkook stepped out.

  Jungkook glanced over hesitantly at Jimin, before reaching out to put his hands on her shoulders, and slid his hands down to her elbows. He gave her a smirk, before a low growl came from Jimin's cell. "JEON JUNGKOOK!" He screamed, angrily.

  The man pulled her away from Jungkook, before directing her towards Jimin's cell. She shivered, as he licked his lips, as he eyed her like a predator.

  "Finally, my love~," he purred, grabbing onto the bars of the cell, happily, as he watched her walk over. "I can finally touch you and make you mine~." He chuckled darkly, enjoying the nervous twitches she gave, as she fiddled with the keys.

  Unlocking the door, she grimaced as he slammed it open and slowly stalked towards her. He stopped directly in front of her, intimidatingly, before she took a step back, only for the gun to be pressed up against her head even more.

  Jimin didn't hesitate to put his hands on her hips, and squish himself against her. She stood still, like stone, as she was afraid of trying to get away since a gun was pressed to her head.

  The man scoffed, as Jimin kissed her forehead. "Stop, Jimin." He instructed, gun still pressed to her head.

  "But hyung~!" He yelled in protest.

  "Now." His voice was stern. Jimin mumbled under his breath, before he turned back to the girl, hands still on her hips.

  "Sorry Princess." He grinned, before she felt the cold, hard metal of the butt of the gun connect with her skull.

  Everything went dark after that.

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