"you kicked him in his balls yesterday."

"reasonably so!" i defend.

"why is that?" hercules tries.

"so he can't reproduce any demons like him!"

"he's gay, you imbecile!" lafayette groans.

that has no relevance in this conversation simply because he could become a sperm donor.

"fine! so he can't stick his dick wherever he wants!"

they both groan, face-palming. i only shake my head in response. i stand up from my bed, walking into my closet to find clothes to go work out in.

"mon ani, you came out to us when you were eight. get out of the closet."

i whip my head around to scowl at him, in which he quickly looks away. that's what I thought.

"where are you going?" herc questions as he sees me grab a duffel bag.

"to the gym. i promised peggy i would work out with her."

i lied, no i didn't. i just want to get out of the house. they were pissing.

just as i'm about to walk out of my room, they slam the door shut, standing in front of it. there's something called a window. i smirk, walking over to my window and opening it up. i remove the screen, maneuvering my body through the window to get out. suddenly, i feel a tug on my hair which yanks me backwards, causing me to fall onto my neck. i yelp in pain, rolling backwards but then up to my feet.

"what the fuck?! who in the hell do you guys think you are?!" i start to yell before one of them interrupts me.

"john! shut up for one second, alright?" herc bellows.

i instantly shut up, as he could flatten me like a pancake if he wanted to.

"jefferson is also going to the meet and greet, alright?"

i blink at them before laughing like a madman. i hold my side, still laughing like a crazy person. they look at each other with confusion painted all over their faces.

"john. we're not joking."

i immediately stop laughing. are they joking? is this some sort of ploy to get me to stop liking hamilton? are they working against me so thomas can have jefferson lex all to himself?

"why is that broccoli headed, ignorant, fucker going? it's supposed to be a one on one meet and greet!"

"we're trying to get him to stay home. new york is like one of his favorite places, other than france and virgina. and since he knows hamilton it's likely that's who he's going to stay with." herc explains.

i stare at them intently before jumping out the window. i fish around in my pockets to text Peggy that i'm on my way, but I can't find my phone. laf leans out the window, waving my phone around like it's a flag. he smirks while i groan loudly, i need my stupid phone! you know what? fuck him. i'm walking to her house. i need to get the exercise anyway.

i begin to sprint down to peggy's house, but that's delayed when i trip and fall on my face because of a crack in the sidewalk. fuck you nature. even though nature probably didn't cause that. whatever, nothing wasn't on my side today. i make it to peggy's house in about twenty minutes according to my watch. i knock on the door and eliza opens it up for me, smiling brightly. i give her a hug before running up the stairs of their home to grab peggy. once i make it up there, i expected to see her dressed and ready to go. instead, she was laying in bed, a pizza laying on her stomach.

"peggy! we're supposed to be working out." i whine.

"i am! i'm doing push-ups with my abs." she giggles, moving the pizza up and down.

"youare so dumb, pegs." i push a container of oreos out of the way to sit on her bed.

she only shoves pizza in her mouth in response, to which i roll my eyes at.

"did you hear that jefferson may be coming on the stupid-ass trip?"

peggy swallows her pizza bite and then nods. she opens up a bottle of dr. pepper before responding.

"yeah. don't sweat it. aren't laf and herc getting him to stay home?"


peggy. nods once more, sipping her dr. pepper. i grab an oreo out of the container, twisting off the cookie part and licking the cream. (if any of y'all make that dirty i swear to god)

"i wanted to work out so i could look good for Maria but then i realized i'll get skinny instead of thick." she states.

"mhm." i shake my head at her.

"i'm excited to go see her. hamilton, not so much. he's a dick."

"no! he's so sweet!"

"okay. don't say I didn't warn you."

"shush your face."

"gladly." she says, shoving a bunch of chips in her mouth to do so.


in love with a pornstar (modern au fanfic LAMS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt