And Ever After

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Inspired by the prompt: "You take me instead, do you hear me? Give her back and take me instead."

Song of the Chapter: "Don't Take the Girl" by Tim McGraw - not to be taken literally, the story is not a songfic. 

Y/N had always known working for the government would be dangerous. She knew working with the Autobots would be twice as dangerous. She was prepared for that. As ready as one can be. 

What she didn't count on was Primus deciding she was worthy of the all-spark's power and placing it inside her. 

Yeah. That made things slightly more interesting. 

She also did not expect to fall in love with a yellow Autobot scout. That was not part of her ten year plan. 

Yet none of that made her angry or upset or unhappy. Quite the opposite in fact. She was more useful with her powers than without, and even before she had them the Autobots had all taken a liking to her (it helped a bit that she made their youngest so happy). Prime and Ratchet had both taken to her as a daughter, Jazz and many others saw her as a niece of some sort and the younger bots all saw her as a younger sister figure.

Bumblebee saw her as the love of his life. 

Every chance he had, he was sneaking off to see her. Bee loved everything about Y/N. From her height (she was shorter than him! How cute.) to her eyes; her laughs were amazing and her smile was perfect. He could pick her voice from a crowd and loved to see her interact with his fellow bots. 

Bee knew their relationship wasn't typical, but then again, her being the physical embodiment of the power that Cybertron thrived on wasn't typical either. He could confidently state that he was not the strangest part of her existence. 

Because of Y/N's position within the Cybertronian race, she was rarely allowed on the battlefield, despite being highly capable with a gun and starting to gain more control of her powers. 

Optimus just preferred not to chance it. 

This mission however, was a rescue mission. Sideswipe had crash landed in Decepticon territory and was badly beaten; his spark was just barely holding on. If they managed to get him out, he wouldn't survive a trip back to base. Y/N needed to go and heal him. 

Of course, Bee and Y/N had very different feelings about the rescue mission. 

Y/N wanted to help in any way she could; after all, they were technically her people now. 

Bumblebee just wanted to keep her safe and as far away from the fighting as possible. 

"He's one of your friends Bee! And he needs my help specifically!" 

"I know this, Y/N!" Bee's vocal synthesizer had been healed by Y/N when she first received the all-spark, "But you could be seriously hurt!"

"I'll be fine. Magical powers remember?" Y/N wiggled her fingers at the scout in an attempt to lighten the mood. 

"That's not the point," Bee sighed and picked up Y/N closer to his face, "You know very well the all spark can't be used to heal yourself. It may offer you a layer of protection and even can be used as a weapon, but not one of us knows how to help you!" 

Y/N saw Bee really was scared for her life and let all other emotions aside from love leave her voice and face.

"Bumblebee, look at me," Y/N gently moved his face towards her, "I know you're scared; I am too. But we need to help our friends. And I need you to be right there with me. Nothing is going to happen to me okay? I love you too much."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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