16. Love Me Like You Do

Start from the beginning

"Grapevine...that sounds familiar." Zari cocked her head and narrowed her eyes. "I may have gone to a carnival there."

"Oh, really? They have one that comes every September during the county fair. Maybe you went to that one."

"Hmm, maybe. I'm not sure. Oh, wait. I don't know what I'm thinking. I can't shop. I don't have any money. Mr. Kline – Matthew... my godfather, is supposed to send me a new debit card, but I don't have it yet."

"That's okay. I'm sure Maia will let you open an account. She and I graduated together. I'll vouch for you."


Two hours later, Zari took stock of her purchases. Jeans, leggings, sweaters, tops, two pairs of boots, lace bras, cheeky panties, and sleepwear. She'd gone all out choosing leather, fringe, lace, plunging necklines and dangling earrings. If her look didn't get Gabriel's attention, then the sexy lingerie should do the trick.

During her shopping frenzy, her handicap became clearer, with only one hand, she needed help dressing and undressing. But that was okay, once Gabriel saw her naked again, then maybe he wouldn't be able to resist. She wasn't slim as Elena, all lithe and muscle beneath her belly, but she had a decent  cleavage and a nice figure.

The clothes in her suitcase screamed frugality, and she hoped that was true because she'd just gone in debt for quite a lot of moola. If she'd not been thrifty in her previous life, then she might not have enough in her bank account to cover it. If not, she'd just have to set up a payment plan, because she couldn't bring herself to wear those hideous, colorless, garments one more day. It wasn't... her. That's why she'd worn one new ensemble out of the store.

When Gabriel's house came into view, a strange car sat in the drive. As they drew closer, Zari recognized the occupant.

Elena leaned forward and squinted her eyes. "Who is that?"

Zari echoed the movement. "Matthew—I mean, my godfather. Wonder why he's here?"

Elena parked next to him, then turned to Zari. "I heard Dawn is going out with him next weekend, and it's the first date she's had since Silbie's dad died."

She nodded. "Yeah, I know. Gabriel isn't too happy about it."

Elena made a face. "One thing you'll learn... or re-learn, I guess, is that Gabriel is a Mom. He is a mother hen. Especially when it comes to his mother and Silbie. But he needs to get over it. At least where Dawn is concerned. She could use someone in her life. I know she gets lonely, and once Silbie leaves for college, it will only get worse." She shrugged, before adding, "She was like a second mother to me growing up. My mom... she liked to drink."

As Elena gathered the bags, Matthew got out of his car came around to open Zari's door.

She gazed up at him. "What are you doing here?"

He stepped closer and opened his arms. "Can I have a hug?"

At first, she hesitated, but his sad expression put her into action. She knew her amnesia was hurtful, but there wasn't much she could do about it. A hug wouldn't kill her. Walking into his embrace, he pulled her close, arms tightening around her in a way that brought tears prickling to her eyes. Not from the tight constraint, but the simple feel of a hug by someone that loved you.

She wondered if their relationship had been a good one, or if it had been strained. Probably not since she worked for him, and the way he held her, said a lot. Almost like it was the last time he'd get to do it. Almost... paternal. She knew from his stories he watched her grow up, like an ever present, well meaning, uncle.

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