New Friends

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A/N: lol ok u m- yea sorry for just like- e x i s t i n g XD. Hope yall enjoy this chapterrrr?


Once our shift was over, Soda and I started walking to his house. Another boy caught up to us, introducing himself as Steve to me. He and Soda seemed to be close friends as they laughed and conversated amongst themselves. Steve spoke up, his gaze turning to me. "Which is more tuff? Mustangs or Fords?" He asked. I turned to him, smirking. "Fords for sure. Mustangs are nice to look at, don't get me wrong, but Fords are able to hold up so much more." I said, soda pumping his fist in victory. "Dude! What did I say!" Steve only huffed, crossing his arms.

I admit, I was kinda worried. The thought of the people in the 'gang' being like Dallas was concerning. But, with soda being the way he is, I wasn't to scared.

Once we arrived at the supposed Curtis House, Sodapop opened the door, revealing 6 people sitting in the living room. I was a little shocked, not expecting what I saw, if any thing i was guessing to see some boys fighting and making eachother bleed like my old gang. I noticed a boy on the carpet that sat in front of a small T.V. He had his mouth stuffed with Chocolate cake and beer, making me giggle a little. He had his hair up in a pumpdour style with a Mickey muscle T-shirt on. His gazes averted to me, him giving me a goofy smile.

I waved a bit at him, smiling back. I went back to scanning the room before Soda yelled out, "I'm home!" Earning a deeper voice to arupt from the other room. "In here!" Soda just gave a small nod to himself and looked over at me. "Well, make your self at home. Ain't nobody gonna bite ya! Well.. With Dal it depends." He said, looking to the side.

I looked to the same side, seeing Dallas who was undressing me with his eyes. He was attractive, I'll admit, but I need to play hard-to-get. I'm not one to let someone just get in my pants. I cleared my throat, getting his eyes to come up to my face. "Hey, my eyes are up here." I growled, making him smirk and chuckle.

I sighed, looking to Soda who was talking to Steve and sitting on the couch. He looked back up at me, the one who looked the most fearful out of the rest of the people in the room. He gasped a bit and got up, walking to me. "Hey guys!" He called, getting mostly everyones attention, other than the one in the muscle T. Soda snapped his fingers infront of the other greaser, him groaning as he looked at us.

"What?" He groaned, seemingly pissed that his attention was somewhere else other than the screen, which was playing Mickey Mouse. Ok, a fellow fan it seems. Soda chuckled, putting a friendly hand on my shoulder. "Guys, this is [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. She digs pretty alright and she is a nice gal. Treat her good and welcome her to the gang."

I looked at him, my eyes a bit wide. 'you don't have to do anything to get in the gang? The gang I used to be in, I had to work for that shit-' I thought to my self, eventually just shrugging. The taller boy took his hand from my shoulder, pointing everyone out to me.

Johnny Cade was the shy looking boy sitting on the couch.

PonyBoy Curtis or Sodas kid brother was the boy sitting next to Johnny and talking to him.

Two-Bit or Keith Mathews was the one sitting by the TV and drinking a beer.

Darry or Darrel Curtis or Sodas older brother was the one in the other room, cooking supper from what Soda said.

He didn't bother with the other two since them and I had already met. I only nodded, taking a seat next to Two-Bit. He looked me up and down and smiled at me. "Ya like Mickey?" He asked. "I dig Mickey pretty well. Glory, I would watch it all the time before I moved." I explained, watching the screen with a small smile. I'v lost so much time, so its nice to see something I haven't seen in a long while. Its a nice feeling.  He put his hand out for me to shake, me doing as suggested. "Well, its nice to meet you. I dig you already." He said cheerfully, only making me smile more than before.


After a while of hanging out with everyone and avoiding Dallas, supper was ready. Darry asked me to stay and I accepted, me not having much food at home and plus, I was just really not up for cooking.

Everyone gathered and sat at the table in the dining room, me sitting next to Two-Bit. We were already pretty close, us sharing a sense of personality and humor, along with interests. I thought it would be better to stick with him since everyone else was in their own little world with their buddies. The food finally came out, Darry handing us our plates and setting a Chocolate cake in the middle of the table.

We all started eating like dogs other than Johnny and Dallas. Johnny was just picking at his food and taking occasional bites and the older boy was just staring at me. I would look at him every once in awhile, him looking down when I did.

I pushed it off, continuing my meal. I was the second one to finish, Steve being the first. I swear that kid could eat a whole cake in 5 minutes from how fast he ate that food. I got up and placed my plate in the sink, going to the couch after thanking Darry.

I really liked it here. I already felt like I had a family and I just felt at home. I didn't know you could feel so much love from people who seemed to fail to receive it or from people who had it stolen away from them in tragic ways.

Its a great feeling for someone to just accept you as a friend, let alone 7. Well.. 6. I'm not to sure where me and Dallas stand.

Later on that night, I had to say goodbye to my new gang. It was a Saturday night and I just wanted to sleep in since I had work off tomarrow. A great time to get a job I guess, having your first day and having the next day off. As I left the house, Two-Bit ran up to me and ingulfed me into a bear hug. I laughed and hugged back, a little suprised. "See you tomarrow, [Y/N]!" He exclaimed, letting me go and ruffling my hair.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, everyone saying their collective "Bye"s and waving me goodbye other then Dallas. I said a good "later!" To everyone, looking at a stone faced Dallas who was smoking a cigarette and just nodding me off. I gave him a small wink before I walked out, him raising in eyebrows in shock.

I just chuckled as I closed the door and walked back down to my home down the street. I opened the door and shut it behind me before running to my room and jumping up on ny bed. The last I thought before I fell into a wonderful slumber only being, 'damn.. This is a nice fuckin' place.'

"Really Fallin' For Him, Huh?" (Dallas Winston X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora