2: How To Be Normal

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Chelsi's P.O.V.

    It has been a few days since my home was intruded by my favorite anime characters in the world. We are  all lazily laying around the living room while eating snacks and talking about... well... trying to talk about fitting in.
     Alex, Jullie and I have decided that in order to keep their cover as normal people who are in our home for a completely appropriate reason, we needed to come up with a solid plan, but first we needed to tell them that under any circumstances, they could not use their quirk in the slightlest.
    The second part of our plan was to go shopping (this was definatly Alex's idea) to find clothes more appropriate to go out in public rather than their UA uniforms.
    Obviously, this will not be easy seeing as we only have half of Spring break left to do all of these things, but I believe if we stay positive, we will for sure get everything done in time.
    Honestly, I'm actually quite excited to see the reaction and the outcome. Nervousness takes over when I realize that this might be a huge change for them. Hopefully this doesn't push them too hard.
     I cough slyly to catch Alex and Jullies attention from across the nearly silent room. 'Should I do it now?'  I mouth to them. They silently nodded, also looking slightly nervous.
    I look around the room and realized that everyone was half asleep. But suddenly I had an amazing idea. I skipped to the kitchen and dug out two large pans from the bottom of a cupboard and skipped back into the room. I then stepped on to the small coffee table and took a deep breath before banging the two pans together obnoxiously loud.
   "Hey! Wake up you sleepy heads! I have an announcement," I yell as loud as I can, which isn't very loud compared to a certain hot head in the room.
    "HEY WHY THE HELL ARE YOU MAKING SO MUCH NOISE," Katsuki screams in annoyance. I flinch at the tone of his voice and look to Alex for support.
     "Just shut up and listen what she has to say, you damn hedgehog," Alex shouts angrily while glaring fiercely at him. He glares back and was about to say something , but Kirishima just puts his hand on his shoulder.
      "Okay so I need to tell you something very important," I pause dramatically before speaking again," YOUCAN'TUSEYOURQUIRKSNOMATTERWHATBECAUSEIFYOUDOPEOPLEWILLFINDOUTANDWIERDSCIENTISTPEOPLEWILLCOMEANDTAKEYOUAWAYORKILLYOUANDTHATWILLSUCKSOPLEASEJUSTDON'T," I yell before jumping off the table and hiding behind Alex. Everyone just stared with confused expressions. Alex sighs before stepping on the table with Jullie.
    "So here's a translation of what Chelsi just said. You cannot use your quirks under any circumstance or the government will hunt you down and experiment on you," Alex stated with a bored tone.
     "Yeah what Alex said," Jullie nodded with Alex.
    "T-the government?" Midoriya asked as fear filled his eyes. Alex just slowly nodded her head with a smirk.
My eyes widen as scene unfolds before me.
     "Alex... Alex what are you doing?" I ask frantically while holding onto her arm. She just Pats my head and goes on with her speech.
     "This also means that we will have to go shopping because your fashion is shit," she states while pointing directly at Denki," just kidding, but we are still going shopping because you have to go to out in public with us and you ain't going looking like that." Bakugo's eyes narrow before stepping forward.
   "What the FUCK did you just say to me, dumbass" he glares while staring her down.
    "Oh chill out,  Bakuhoe," she says glaring right back at him. You could practically see the steam coming from Katsuki's nostrils.
    "Okayyyyyy let's get ready to go to the mall," Jullie steps in between them  before pulling Alex away to get ready with her. The rest of the gang just stares at me. I giggle nervously and run away to join Alex and Jullie to get ready.
                       - time skippy-
    Once they got to the mall we split off into 3 groups. I had Katsuki, Iida and Uraraka in my group. Todoroki, Kirishima, Yosetsu, and Denki went with Alex. And Jullie took Jiro, Deku, Tsu and Shinso.
    They split off into three different sections of the mall to divide and conquer. Even though Alex was the one who forced them all to go shopping, she probably likes it the least. Every shop she went to was a nightmare. She threw random clothes at her group and if they liked them, she bought them.
    I honestly was carefully helping everyone out with what they wanted and was careful not to anger a certain someone. It was a miracle that I got through the day without being yelled at to the point of tears. Especially a certain someone.
    Jullie really didn't want to interfere with what the group wanted to get, but when they showed her what they wanted, she got it for them. She was also very helpful with what they asked for.
     At the end of the day, everyone seemed okay with what they gota and the three girls were kind of happy that they get to take this interesting group of new friends with them in public . But also..... nervous.....


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