Chapter 10

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I don't know what came over me. One minute I'm telling her that what we did was a mistake the next I'm asking her to coffee and she said yes surprisingly. I don't really know how to act around her so I'm doing what I do best, being a bitch.
"Can I ask why you asked me for coffee, I mean not that it's weird or anything well it kinda is but just with the way you've been acting it's strange" does this girl always ramble like this?
"I felt like it" I kept my voice monotone hiding any emotion it's a very useful skill I've practiced. Karter looked disappointed at my answer.
"Where exactly are we going" I could feel her staring at me as I drove.
"A small cafe 5 minutes from here" I kept my response short I'm still not sure why I asked for this. We finally got at my second favorite place in the world the first being the lacrosse field. It's a small cafe with all different kind of books and it's never packed. I park and get out expecting her to follow me. After a few seconds she was out of the car trailing me into the cafe.
"This place is cute" I turned to look at her and even though she just had practice she managed to look absolutely perfect with her brown hair curled up in a flawless braid and I couldn't stop staring.
"Dawson is everything ok" she looked nervous under my gaze. Her words broke me outta my trance and I went to order my coffee.
"Straight black coffee please" I pointed at karter to say what she wanted. "Um I'll have vanilla iced coffee please" I pulled out my wallet to pay "you don't have to pay for me its ok" I ignored her payed and took my drink to find a seat all the way to the back of the cafe. It was silent not an awkward silence just neither of us knew what to say. She began to fidget with her necklace not looking at me at all. I was starting to get annoyed.
"Can you not" she looked startled by my sudden speaking up.
"Messing with your necklace it's distracting and annoying" I felt bad for being mean but that's all I know how to do.
"Sorry it's a habit" she put her hands around her coffee I could tell she was deep in thought.
"Spit it out karter" I sat back and smirked knowing she's clearly intimidated by me.
"Spit what out"
"Whatever has you staring at your coffee like it killed your puppy" now I was just messing with her and yes maybe I'm a little harsh with it but that's just me.
"Nothing your just confusing"
"Me confusing how?" I already knew what she was talking about I just wanted to hear her interpret how I act. She continued to speak
"Your super nice to me at the party and then we.... well you know and now your a total bitch and I don't even know you I mean not really"
She was right we don't know each other but that's something I find interesting with karter with her I'm a blank slate.
"Alright well what do you wanna know about me" she was shocked that I was giving her permission to ask a question.
"Why do you play lacrosse" weird question almost like she's been waiting to ask me that.
"I play because it's all I have and all I'm truly good at" I could see pity on her face which angered me. So what a sport is all I have in my life at least I'm damn good at that one thing.
"Don't look at me like that" I said sternly
"Like what"
"Never mind it's my turn. What are you intentions with Dylan" I won't ever show it but I really wanted to know if she liked him because for some reason if she says right now she does I'd be pissed.
"Where friends but he's really cool and nice" she gave a light smile. I take a sip of my coffee finishing it. The silence returned until she spoke again.
"How are you and your boyfriend"
I couldn't help but laugh at the way she said boyfriend with such disdain.
"What's funny" she quizzically asked.
"Nothing it's just you don't hide jealousy very well" I was stretching here but I wanted to see her reaction. I was right because the moment I said it her cheeks turned a bright red.
"I'm not jealous just I don't know. Answer the question" I obliged
"Fine" again with zero emotion
"Just fine, no where extremely happy and love each other" now she was smirking and I couldn't help but find it the sexiest thing Ive ever seen. I caught my self staring at her lips and unluckily for me so did she my turn for my cheeks to turn red.
"None of that, just fine" I manage to say with a stutter. I don't know how this girl managed to turn me into a bumbling idiot from my usual cold hearted reactions.
"Right anyways your turn" she says with confidence realizing she actually has me flustered.
It's been and hour of us going back and forth jumping from different topics. Sometimes we laugh sometimes we piss each other off and sometimes we get serious with each other. I check the time and realize I have to get home.
"Last question karter I have to get home"
"Ok ok give me a second" I watched her scratch her head thinking of a question and then randomly she asks
"Do you usually go around kissing girls at parties?" I'm a little taken aback by the question but eventually smile.
"No I don't usually do that" I get up walk to the trash and throw out my coffee. She gets up behind home and follows me out to my car.
"So what your saying is I'm special" I laughed
"Sure let's go with that" I drive us back to her car as she's getting out she stops and look is at me seriously.
"I actually enjoyed talking to you" I gave a small smile.
"Umm thanks I guess back at you" she grabs her bag and before I know it she's gone and I'm driving home. When I finally get there I go straight to the shower. I replayed the whole time with her back in my head smiling. I got dressed and Laid in bed I put my headphones in and played my soft music thinking off karter. As much as I didn't want her to be she was all I could think about I ended up falling asleep dreaming of her.

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