Part 1: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

A few weeks had passed and even though Leslie was discharged from the hospital, Daniel would stop by every once in a while saying Leslie wanted me to visit her.

"Yeah, I got the hint. She's been calling me everyday." I would say.

And Jasmine was still in England. We went out less and it killed me. I didn't know what she was thinking and I really wish I did.

"Where's Jas?" Nathan asked me when I got into the van.

"I was just about to asked Nareesha and Seev the same thing."

"She went to see her mom, didn't you know?" Nareesha stated and Siva asked what was going on.

I covered up and said that I just hadn't asked her what she was up to, like I normally did. *Close one, McGuiness. They still think you're seeing her.*

"She actually asked me if you still liked Leslie." Nareesha spoke up. "Just yesterday she asked if you still cared as much as you did before."

When I didn't give them a reply, Tom went on to assume it was true; that I still hadn't moved on from Leslie. If only saying and explaining that I had the same feelings for both Leslie and Jasmine was that easy.


End of Part 1

[A/N: I know this chapter is really short, and I'm sorry for that! But this is the last chapter of part 1, part 2 is in Jasmine's point of view, and I didn't really know how to end this. xxx}

New York BeautyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora