"What the..." I heard Jake say as he closed the door behind me. "Is it just me or does it look like a hundred bunnies exploded in here."

I turned around to look at him momentarily before I gave my attention back to the interior decor before me. He was seemingly correct in his sarcasm. The room set before me was plush. Everything that had fabric had fur, white fur.

Taking several more steps into the room Jacob began eyeing things here and there and commenting about the rediculousness of the decor. At one point he made a comment about it looking like Rosalie decorated it and then it hit me. This room, these decorations was what Emmett was afraid of.

I had the sudden urge to laugh as I continued into the room. Edward said that Rose would want this side of the house so that was a relief. This was too girly for me, too feminine. Only I felt a little bit sorry for Emmett.

"Bella?" I heard Edward call from the other side of the house.

Listening to the exact direction his voice came from I could tell he was upstairs and to the left. I ran across the house at vampire speed. Only when the decor changed did I stop. This must be Emmetts side of the house. It was still classy but more downtown. The color scheme was deeper and more earthly then the powderpuff white Rosalie had chosen.

Footsteps at the top of the staircase at the other side of the room drew my attention and I remembered what I was doing. I was going upstairs to meet Edward. I cleared the final few feet to the staircase and began to climb them one at a time.

When I came out onto the second floor I listened as best as I could to figure out where my husband and daughter were. From both sides of the hall I heard movement so I sniffed the air. To my left I could smell my daughter as she smelled like the most beautiful perfume. To my right was my husband who reminded me of a summers rain. But which way did I want to go.

All in all my daughter won me over and I headed to the left. I followed her scent down the hall to the second room on the right. When I opened the door I saw Renesmee sitting on a swing that hung from the ceiling. The swing was hung by white chains that were wrapped with champange pink lace. The seat of the swing itself was shaped like a cloud and even looked sort of like one.

"Weird placing right?" I heard Edward whisper into my ear as he laced his fingers through mine.

"What do you mean?" I asked slightly confused. This wasn't the first indoor swing I had seen in my life.

"The chicness of the swing amongst Emmett's manly decor." He chuckled.

"Oh, well yeah if you look at it from that angle." I replied.

Loud clunks could be heard on the stairs as the smell of wet dog filled the air. Here came Jake. When he saw us he threw his arms in the air.

"Finally! I've been looking for you everywhere. You have no idea the things I've seen in this house." He said as he shivered a bit. "White.... white bunny fur everywhere."

I lightly punched his shoulder. "You are such a drama queen Jake." I said before I stepped back to allow him to walk inside the room.

Turning around to face me Jake slightly narrowed his eyes. "I'm a man Bella, us men and things like that are like trying to combine fire and ice. It doesn't work." He said as he walked backwards a few steps before turning his back on me to give Renesmee some attention.

Edward pressed his lips to my shoulder. "So, do you want to check out the rest of the house?" Edward asked me. "I heard the master bedroom is sound proof." He added with a wink before heading down the hall.

Why on earth would he think I cared if the bedroom was sound proof. There are only so many things that a married couple could do in a room to need to sound proof it. My eyes widened slightly when I finally understood what he was hinting at.

Now that I truly thought about that, it had been more then 72 hours since I had last made love to my husband.

I willingly followed him down the hall. The room he entered through was flanked by double doors in a deep shade of mahogany. As I ran my fingers along the wood I felt the sturdiness of the door. As I opened the door I felt the pull of my muscles as I opened it. From the weight I felt I knew a normal human wouldn't be able to open it by themselves.

When the door had closed behind me I had to adjust to the room itself. The bed was so inviting to me. If I was a human I would have been dying to sleep on it. It looked like a large cloud, but was dark in its color. Now that I think about it the entire room was made up of earthly colors. Browns, deep greens, blacks, navy blues.

In the next half second Edward was at my side. He lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed where he set me down. I closed my eye and allowed my other senses to take over as my body touched the bed.

The material was unbelievable soft to the touch against my skin. Taking a deep breath I allowed the scent that came off the brown sheets to fill my head, it reminded me of pumpkin spice. That combined with the touch of my husband was enough to drive me crazy. I wanted more.

The sound of shredding fabric filled the air and for a moment I was confused until I opened my eyes to see myself bare. I frowned slightly at the sight of my husband holding my green cotton tshirt. That had been one of my favorite pieces that Alice had bought me. I actually liked it.

"There are plenty more where that came from." He said in his velvety voice.

He couldn't have undressed any faster. The five seconds it took for him to undress felt like hours as the longing for his love and touch grew stronger by the millisecond. Finally he was mine completely. Closing my eyes again I allowed myself to let go completely. I didn't care how loud I was because no one but Edward was able to hear me. The we fell over the edge together in pure ectasy.

After we had finished I laid in his arms, allowing myself to come down. When I had finally neutralized I was ready to go again. It became aware to me that I had been neglecting my sex drive.

Just like every other time Edward kissed me I felt fireworks going off in my body. This time around we didn't stick to the bed but we took on the entirety of the bedroom, which was well over 1000 square feet. At some point during our love making we broke a small box that hung on the wall near the doors. In the half second I had looked at it I was reminded of a security system.

"I love you so much." Edward said to me.

Those words combined with his perfect touch and love sent me over again. With a scream we collapsed to the floor in each others arms.

"I- I love you." I repeated, my voice choppy from the overwhelming experience we shared together.

Before I could understand what was going on the bedroom doors burst open and Jake was shouting.

"Are you okay I heard screams and-" He paused as he assessed the scene. "Oh, god." Jake gasped

In the next half second Renesmee was there. Both of them stood, staring in disbelief at what they saw. Only when we moved to cover ourselves with the blanket from the bed, did Jacob clasp his large hand over Renesmee and turn her away.

I crossed the room quickly and closed the door. "What do we do?" I asked Edward as I looked at him.

My daughter had witnessed me and her father naked together. What kind of questions would pop up? What would I say to her? How would I explain to her why her father and I were together like that when the only time she knew me to be naked was when I was taking a shower.

Even Edward was at a loss for words, for several minutes he was quiet. Only when I suggested that we get dressed did he even bother to move. I knew Edward was thinking rapidly to try and come up with a way to talk to Renesmee without telling her too much. I knew that he woudln't, just like myself, want to lie to her and plant false information in her mind.

Well, these next few days should be fun.

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