Chapter 1

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"SIMULATION ON",spouted a mechanical voice over the intercom.

The once empty white room suddenly came to life.Hard light constructs of soldiers and cubes of various sizes appeared bathing the walls in and eerie blue.

"10-9-8...",the count down began without a single warning giving me just mere moments to think up a strategy,anticipate the enemies movement,and exploit any flaws in the system.

"...7-6-5-4...",path created and backup plans made,every single outcome was accounted for.Now I just had to wait till those final numbers were spoken.

"...3-2-1",I was already sprinting towards the soldier closest to me.Crack one of my shields bashed him in the face.Even with holographic bullets flying towards me I showed no sign of fear.Quickly I picked up their fallen comrades weapon and fired at two of them until the clip was empty.

"Three more left",I quickly thought as I hopped into the air to pounce.The only constructs left fired at me in unison.Lifting my right shield in front of me I held of each shot until I was only four feet away and they were out of ammo. Unholstering my pocket knife I flung it into the eye socket of the the closer of the two and used both shields to crush the other skull.

"SIMULATION CLEARED,YOU RANKED 1ST PLACE DARIUS YUMNI",this was no surprise,after all having a 3 year long streak on every possible amount of enemies makes it loose any meaning.Looking to my side I could spot at least ten people clapping and cheering.

"Keep going your great",and,"encore,encore",could be heard.

I don't normally mind the audience as long as they don't distract me from my training.Giving them what they want I open up a projection of a menu and select eight this time and hit enter.

"ROUND TWO INITIATED",as holograms once again appeared I activated my shields and focused on surveying my surroundings.


Surrounded by darkness I sat alone on the cold tile floor of my bathroom.My hatred for life,specifically mine grew by every second.Staring down at the full bottle of sleeping pill my worse thoughts consumed me.

"Would anyone even miss me when I'm gone",my eyes tear up as I twist the lid off.I thought getting away from Mom and Dad would make me feel better but so far all its done is make me feel isolated and lonely.

"All I wanted to do was be happy and have something to live for but I guess thats impossible",lifting the container above my mouth I tipped it halfway prepared for the pills to dive into my mouth.

"Hey Larex!",pounding from the front door echoed through my living quarters,"c'mon out,you gotta see this".

Placing the bottle on the sink counter I got up and put on the best fake smile I had.Rebuilding my persona of the outgoing social butterfly I hid my emotions behind I opened the door.

"Whazzup",I said cheerfully to mask my displeasure of having to postpone my own suicide.

An orange cougar stood in my doorway looking directly at me."I want to show you something awesome,quick follow me",he jogged down the hallway leaving me no other option but to do the same.

The corridors were remarkably empty with only a few janitors and electricians at work.Turning a corner loud cheering bounced down the hallway.Shifting directions one last time he stopped in front of a small congregation of people.

"Is this what you wanted to show me Jazins",as I spoke he nodded and pointed towards a window.

"Look",he said excitably and backed up so I had some room in the crowd of furs.

What I saw blew my mind,it was like a combination of beauty and raw power.A small striped fox with all the speed of a train traveled elegantly across the room.His green shields in contrast with the blue holograms around him made it look like a light show.Each step he made seemed planned yet unpredictable at the same time.Each blow he landed on an enemy was so well coordinated that his prey didn't have time to counter.

Leaning against the glass my eyes were fixated on the vixen.He defeated his foes with superior thinking,combat,and style and it was amazing.

"He's beautiful",ran through my head the whole time.Finally he defeated the last opponent and began walking to the exit.

I couldn't believe my eyes,it was like seeing a trailer for a new game or a preview for a movie you want to see more.He was so majestic and powerful,he was like an unstoppable force.

Taking two steps back I blinked twice in astonishment,"w-wow".

"I know right,his names Darius and he's like a legend around here",Jazin said,"three years he's been in first place no matter how many guys he's up against".

"How come we never see him in any classes or parties",I question as I lean against the wall.The crowd has already left only leaving us two.

"He takes a lot of Advanced training and classes",pausing briefly he follows up his statement with,"also he's a loner and prefers to keep to himself".

"Man that sucks I kinda wanted to meet him",I spoke sadly trying to hide the fact my heart was still racing due to what I just saw.

"Cheer up man,c'mon me and the others are going out to lunch and want you to come with",he began walking and I followed.

I didn't feel much like eating nor did I feel like killing myself anymore.Everything ceased to matter in that moment except one person...the fox.I don't know who he is or why he's so intriguing but one thing I am sure about is that I wish to tame the fire known as Darius and make him my own.


Hi Grimn here,I just want too thank you for reading to the end and can't wait for continued support of this story.I know it isn't perfect but thats what criticism is for,so anything you the reader point out can help with further development of the story.

Calming the Blood of a Warrior, a furry action gay romance storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя