Chapter 16

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Toni's p.o.v.

It's end of the last period and now I have I think 20 minutes before I need to be in the changing rooms and be ready to go on the field . Coach says that the vikings could do good job so we need to try extra hard . 

I headed to my locker in the changing rooms and quickly changed myself in the outfit for the play . The only think I don't have on myself is the t-shirt number 9 . I still can't believe that I have this t-shirt . The boys still don't know I have it . I didn't plan to tell them they just needs to find out . 

The changing rooms filled with everyone and we all chated about random things for a while . 

In two minutes we need to run at the field so I quickly got on myself the t-shirt and everyone looked at me shoked . They asked me a lot questions and I just quickly answered them and then we heard loud horn which meant the bulldogs needs to come . 

We ran to the field a lot people cheering at us and we got in circle and got our plans started . 

'' alright Topaz you need to block the first guys who will run at Reggie and Reggie run and after three seconds I will throw you the ball . In those three seconds Toni needs to see the guys who will run at Reggie and block them . on three bulldogs '' Archie said and continued '' 1 2 3 ''

'' BULLDOGS '' everyone yelled and got on their positions . I saw Redhead wink at me and point to the hoodie that's behind her I shook my head and waited on the judge . 

The judge whistled I run 10 meters infront of Reggie while he got the ball . Three guys run towards him but I shoved with my full body at them with my shoulder and all four of us fell on the ground . That made for Reggie free touchdown . 

He got it and I quickly got up from the ground and run towards him . '' Yeeaaaahaaw that's my friend '' I yelled clapping on his helmet . He did the same to me '' dude how you shoved three guys to the ground that was totally awesome '' Reggie yelled and everyone nodded in agreetment . 

We got back at our positions and now I got to save Archie . Archie nodded at the judge meaning that we are ready and the game started again . 

Archie run with the ball and threw it at Mark . Mark run with it ten meters and threw it back Archie me infront of Archie , but now the difference is that towards us run only two guys and the others behind us . I jumped on the two and they fell with me on the ground . Andrews did the same routine as Reggie and we got next touchdown  . 

Our game went well . I asisted the first half of the game . Now it's the other half of the game and we have a ball . Archie said that he is now blocking and I am trying to get touchdown .  

We got on our positions and the judge whistled I run straight on the line and Andrews threw me ball . I run and see three guys coming to me from the right side 'cause I'm the left wing . Andrews tried to shove them to the ground but missed . They approached me and jumped but I got a quick jump lightly to the left side and they all jumped on the ground . Now I have just free field and free touchodwn . 

When I got the touchodwn all my team mates run up to me and we jumped in excitement . '' sorry dude that I missed them but you got a jump like bunny and they all missed you too '' Archie said laughing and I nodded my head laughing too as we made our way on our positions . 

The score is now 45-8 us winning . I can't lie everyone says the vikings are great but they can't do anything with us . The last touchdown was made by me and the game ended . 

We all jumped in circle yelling that we got it so good . The fans cheering and cheerleaders of course too . Coach approached us and gave me smile . 

School Cliché - ChoniМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя