Class In Session

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Rebekah turns to me with a wink. "Have a seat, deary." I stare at her for a moment, eyes narrowing as I try to figure out what she's planning. Nevertheless, I obey, taking the only seat left, right between Doppelbitch and Caroline, across from my twin. "Class is in session," Rebekah declares. "You've all been compelled," her eyes find mine, then flash away, "you know the rules." She circles us. "Answer my questions honestly, no disobedience, no one leaves." Although I find her words interesting, I don't show it. So, she's compelled the lot of them. Hmm. And for information, but information regarding what? It seems that I'll get to find out with a first row seat. My only duty is to act compelled. "April, my sweet, take notes. This is how you get answers in this town." Out of the corner of my eye, I watch April reach towards her backpack. Oh god! She doesn't actually think Rebekah wants real notes. I roll my eyes at I trail Rebekah's movements. "Let's start with a little quiz. In the year 1114, my brother learnt, thanks to yours truly, about a brotherhood of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. These tattoos revealed what, Elena?"

Elena rolls her eyes, "A map."

"Which lead to, Caroline?" Rebekah continues.

"A cure for vampirism," Caroline answers.

"Perfect, so we're all caught up. Stefan Salvatore, the last time we saw each other, you had a vampire hunter, but in order to decode the map, you needed the location of the hunter's sword, which you got out of me using some very dirty tricks. Assuming you found the sword, you also found the cure, and yet, you're all still vampires, which means something went wrong." Rebekah pauses in her steps, looking to April. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, you asked me to take notes," April stammers. A stout laugh falls from my lips before I can stop it. The others' eyes fall onto me. I shrug, it's funny. What can I do about it?

Rebekah pouts at April, "I wasn't being literal, darling." She pauses. "But now that you mention it...a flow chart would be nice, which means index cards and push-pins. Go, fetch." April nods, standing and leaving the room.

"You're wasting your time. We don't know anything," Stefan stares at her with that silent defiance of his.

"So, you just gave up? I thought you would do anything to save Elena? Even if it meant taking the cure yourself, so you could grow old and die with her?" Stefan's eyes flick to Elena, who straightens in her seat with wide eyes. "Why do you look so surprised?" Rebekah asks. No one speaks. "I'm missing something. What is it?" Again, no one says anything.

I let out a loud, long sigh. "They broke up," I answer, throwing my feet onto the table, leaning back.

"Now let us go," Caroline adds. I roll my eyes. Yeah, like it'd be that easy. Please! Rebekah wouldn't organize this whole charade to only find out that Stefan and Elena are no longer a thing. No, she's searching for something more. The question is, what?

Rebekah smiles. "Broke up," she repeats, seeming amazed at the words. "Wait, I'm confused. I thought that Elena was your epic love, Stefan." She takes April's previous seat. "I asked you what happened. You have to tell me."

"She slept with Damon." My twin's response is short and to the point. Monotone at best. My feet fall from the table in surprise. Yeah, I knew that Elena had moved onto Damon and that she thought she loved him, but I didn't think that they had slept together yet. Damn!

I knew it! I called it! I've been saying that she's just like Katherine from day one, and here's my proof. A laugh bubbles up in my chest as I watch Elena's eyes widen. She didn't even know that Stefan knew. Oh, this is great! A look towards Caroline, the guilt written in her eyes, it becomes obvious where he found out. My laugh grows in volume, and soon I'm gripping the edge of the table so not to double over.

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