Chapter 7: What I Did For Love

Start from the beginning

Leighlinbridge regarded Sylas. “He wishes to wed my Ciatlllait.”

Séan looked at Sylas obstinately.

Sylas’s throat still felt tight from the news of Sionnach’s passing. His words were hoarse as he backed away slowly. “I will wed her, mark me.”

Séan and Lord Leighlinbridge conversed in hushed voices. Finally Séan turned to Sylas. “You may try. Our friend here has said you wish to fight for her hand. So be it. If McDougall will allow it, you will joust with him come morning.”

Leighlinbridge chuckled. “If you think she’ll have you.”

Sylas bowed gratefully, then squared his shoulders. “I know she will. Make way our preparations.”

Sylas found Ciatlllait by the garden fountain, deflowering a yellow lily down to the sepal. The delicate golden petals fluttered in a breeze past her gown and into the water. Sylas crossed to her. When Ciatlllait sensed his approach, her breath caught and she took a step back. She trembled in rays of sunlight. Sylas paused. “Hello, my love.”

“Hello,” Ciatlllait echoed.

Sylas took a tentative step forward. “Is everything alright?”

Ciatlllait swallowed. “Yes. Of course.”

Sylas’s eyes wandered. “I spoke with your father.”

“Oh.” Ciatlllait looked down at the remains of the flower. “What did he say?” she asked quietly.

“McDougall and I are to joust for your hand. Your father said we could be married after, if you’ll have me.” Sylas took another step toward her. “Will you have me?”

Ciatlllait was quiet.

Sylas reached to take her hand in his. “I do not ask as your prince, but as the man who loves you.” He lowered to one knee and gazed up. “Marry me?”

A tear slipped down Ciatlllait’s cheek. “I cannot.”

Sylas rose. He brushed away the tear. “Why? I love you.”

“And I you.” Ciatlllait’s eyes connected with Sylas’s. “But I just can’t. We may never marry.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s because I truly, deeply love you.”

Sylas’s brow knit. “Now I really do not understand.”

“Please, Sylas.” Ciatlllait grasped his wrists. “Please trust me on this. We cannot be together. Not ever.”

The muscles in Sylas’s jaw tensed and flexed. “But I love you.”

“Please,” Ciatlllait choked.

Sylas leaned his forehead against hers. “Kiss me and tell me what we have isn’t real.”

More tears slipped down Ciatlllait’s rosy cheeks. She shook her head.

Sylas’s nose brushed against hers. Ciatlllait’s lips parted instinctively. Her head tipped back. She broke away suddenly. “I cannot!”

Sylas wanted to move toward her, but felt rooted to the spot.

Ciatlllait continued to back away. “I do this because I love you, Sylas.”

“Something’s happened. Where is the girl from the woods? She would not cower like this. Laittie. Sweet Laittie.”

Ciatlllait shook her head. “I just can’t!”

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