Part 2

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 The candles in brackets on the wall flickered and danced, casting a warm glow into the recesses of the chamber. Legacy sat on her bed, scribbling furiously in a scroll with feathers tackily stuck to the top. Sunlight streamed in from the large window set in the wall, spilling further and further into the room as the sand from the hourglass on the table steadily drained. When the sun climbed to her windowsill, Legacy set her scroll down with a sigh. A few feathers fluttered off, but she picked them up and stuck them on again.

Legacy had been practically up all night journaling. Today was the three-year anniversary of Truthseeker and Lightstrike's passing, and of Legacy's reign over the NightWings. I've come a long way, she admitted to herself as she locked away her journal in a drawer. I never could have done it without support from the others. The first few months were especially hard, she reminisced. While trying to be strong for the kingdom, she had bottled up her own emotions inside, her passions and personality with them.

Legacy straightened her flower earrings and bracelet, which she always wore and had been tussled from her frantic writing. She splashed some water on a cloth, quickly did a run-down of her scales, and put on her coronet. When out in public, she wore her elaborate crown, but during her everyday duties she wore her coronet.

A knock on the door jostled Legacy from her routine and she stammered, "W-who is it?"

An answer from the guard outside was quickly drowned out by a booming voice. "It's me you dork! Let me in!"

Legacy hurried over and hovered in front of the door. "That's not how you address the queen," she teased.

"But it is how I address my mate." There was a slight scuffling outside, and Legacy hopped aside as the door flung open. The door clanged shut after Battlebreaker, who, as the king, was wearing a simple coronet. He pranced over and touched Legacy's snout to his, then drawing back. "You're a late starter today," he commented.

"I've been busy -"

"Journaling, I know. The ceremony for the statue is going to be right at noon, so make sure you're ready, and have your scrolls on hand."

For the past three years, the best sculptors in the NightWing kingdom had been diligently carving a statue of Truthseeker and Lightstrike in the center square of the city. A brazier had been placed at the foot of the statue, and at the dedication today it was going to be lit. Those close to Truthseeker and Lightstrike were bringing flammable tokens such as scrolls to be used as tinder for the flame. After three days, two guards would be assigned to permanently keep the fire lit, and the NightWings could come as they wished and bring their own tokens to be used to fuel the fire.

"I'll pack up after we eat," Legacy replied. Battlebreaker wandered around Legacy's chamber as she finished getting ready for the day. Finally, she put away her crown, which was now polished and ready for wear, and clapped her talons. "Let's go."

"Hey!" Ravensky was waiting for them out in the hallway. She wore on her horns a silver circlet that symbolized her royalty. Her blue-black scales shimmered beautifully in the torchlight, and she held a satchel in her talons.

"We better hurry," she said, falling into place beside them. "We can't be late for the ceremony."

"I know, I'm not that hungry anyway," Legacy responded.

"Well I am!" protested Battlebreaker.

"Well, you're a fast eater," Legacy said with a smile. Battlebreaker butted Legacy lightly in the shoulder. She flicked her tail at him.

"I've already eaten, but I'll stick around," Ravensky explained. 

Legacy felt Battlebreaker wince beside her, but she kept her expression sheltered. She would rather Ravensky left her and Battlebreaker alone right now, but she was too preoccupied to go through the awkwardness of sending her best friend away. "Have you seen Quicksilver?" she asked instead.

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