Chapter 6 Lana

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(Lana's outfit to go bowling)

Sadly, we finished our project. Jayden became more distant. I was at my locker and Jayden walked by with some chick. They were laughing and Jayden's face was lit brightly with a smile.

"Bye Ivy," he laughed.

"Bye Jayden," she taunted. I felt anger roar inside me. I felt jealous. He use to laugh with me, he use to smile at me. He began walking towards me. I looked down at my locker hiding my face.

"Hey Lana." He leaned against James' locker. James was one of my best male friends. He had a huge crush on me.

"Hi." I looked up at him. He finally had his sling off. God he looked cute.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yep, I'm fine." I turned back around locking my locker. He stood behind me. I felt trapped.

"I'm here if you want to talk." Tears started to flood my eyes. I pushed pass him and walked to my next class. I was dumb for thinking he ever liked me. He walked in with her. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. I felt played, I knew it was all a lie. James walked up to me.

"Is this seat taken?" I shook my head no. I looked him dead in the eye.

"You want to be my plus one and go bowling with me?"

"Who's all going?"

"Me, you, Athena, and maybe Jayden." I wanted him to feel the hurt. I wanted to make him jealous. I wanted my feelings to go away. He smiled a little bit.

"I would love to go."

"Sweet! Its this weekend." Class went by fast. Everywhere I went I saw Jayden with her. It killed me. You should of never gotten close to him. I hurried at my locker and left. I picked up Ivan after school and we went back to Athena's. Athena was already back from school when we got there.

"Hey girly! How was your day?" She hugged Ivan and gave him a pack of gold fish. He ran up to his room.

"It sucked," I complained.

"Aww I'm sorry. What happened?" I flopped down on the couch.

"You know how me and Jayden have been talking for the last month I think I read to deep into it. He was with a girl laughing and it freaken hurt. I did something really, really stupid."

"Aww I'm so sorry. What did you do?"

"Well I wanted to make him jealous and I want my feelings to go away so I asked James if he wanted to be my plus one to go bowling with you and Jayden."

"What if he's not even dating her?" Tears started to stream down my face.

"I don't know I was just so jealous. He lead me on I thought he really liked me."

"Maybe he does Lana."

"I feel even worse now," I whined.

"Just text him ok. Oh and invite Damien as well." I got up to walk to my room. "Hey from now on don't try to make a guy jealous it hurts more than you think." I went to my room and threw my school bag on my bed. I pulled out my phone.

Me: Hey Jayden

Him: Hey Lana. Were u okay at school?

Me: I just wasn't feeling very well. Hey this weekend me James and Athena are going bowling do you and Damien want to come? Its this weekend.

Jayden: We would love to!

I felt so bad. I felt sick to my stomach. I laid in my bed crying. Why am I such an idiot? I woke up in a pool of sweat. My nightmares were getting worse. I kept having the dream of the robbery. I held the statue of an angel in my hands. My brother bought it for me. Angels please let me sleep in peace. I felt a wave of peace wash over me. I felt the sudden urge to text Jayden.

Me: Jayden are you up?

I waited a couple of minutes and my phone lit up.

Jayden: Yeah are you okay?

Me: I've been having a really bad nightmare about the robbery.

Jayden: Do you want me to come over?

Yeah I want you to come over.

Me: No its fine I'm just freaking out.

Jayden: Call me.

I called him and started crying. I didn't hear anything from the other side of the phone. I cried for about 10 minutes. He started talking to me. He kept telling me stories about when he was little. I laid down and just listened to his soothing voice. I woke up and the phone call was still going. I hung up. I got ready for school. It was Friday and tomorrow we were going bowling. Jayden was picking me and Athena up. Next, we were going to pick James up. Then, we are going to ten pins to go bowling. Jayden wasn't at school and neither was Damien. School went by so slow. Work was also torture. Jayden and Damien came in. School skippers. Damien's lip was busted open. They kept there heads down and walked up to me. Damien ordered first and then Jayden. Jayden was wearing a tank-top. You could see the scar from the bullet.

"Why weren't you at school Jayden?" I asked.

"Just didn't feel like going."

"Are you still going bowling." He nodded his head. "My break is in ten minutes if you want to take it with me."

"Lana I would love to but I have somewhere to be." He grabbed there coffees. "I'll text you later if I have to time I promise." He dropped a five dollar bill in the tip jar and whispered something to Damien in another language. They hurried and left. Why were they always so secretive? My shift was finally over and I went back to Athena's. I picked out my outfit for tomorrow. I picked out a black crop top, some jean shorts, and picked out a gray throw over. I looked at my phone and Jayden didn't text me. What's going on?

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