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[Double update because Good Girls reached 300 reads, 50 votes and over 30 comments. This might not sound like a bit achievement to some people, but this is a massive one for me! Thank you!]

"Is she coming yet?"

"Well, Kristin said we will meet up at eight thirty behind the portables. She must be late."

"What if she stooged us? Or did you get the times or destination mixed up? You always do that, Skylar."

"Shh, I think I can someone chewing their gum loudly. I think that's her."

And Skylar was right. Kristin finally came, chewing her gum quite loudly like she normally does.

"Number one rule," Kristin started. "How you wear your uniform makes you look like a... Stiff. Unbutton the first button on your shirt, and roll your skirt a bit. It's too long."

"Um, but we aren't supposed to wear our unifo-," Jess was cut off by Skylar's finger pressed on Jess' lips, signaling her to be quiet.

"Remeber, Kristin is helping us not be good girls anymore." Skylar pointed out. "Don't you want to be noticed by the boys?"

Jess just huffed. "Fine."

They did what Kristin asked; they unbuttoned the first button on their shirt and rolled their skirts so it was at least above the knee.

"Good," she complimented. "Next, why do you tie up for hair? Show it off by taking it out." Now Jess was a little uncomfortable with this idea. Her hair was very curly; it was hard to maintain. Tying up her hair was the only way to control her hair. But, she still slid her elastic out of her hair, then combing her fingers through it, making it look presentable.

"Now, students, you have homework to do." Announced Kristin in her teacher-like voice. Jess rolled her eyes. "This Saturday night, you have a party to attend. We will meet up at mine at six and I'll give you a make over. I'll text you the address." Then she walked off.

"Well, that was... interesting."

"Ditto. I'm not sure about this 'makeover'." Sighed Jess. She was really worried. Right now, they were breaking rules. Her hair was out, her uniform was not worn correctly, and sure feels weird.

"I think it would be good to try new things." Shrugged Skylar.

"Skylar, remeber you wanted to try new things so you ate a spoon of Nutella and almost died of a allergic reaction. What if we die for... being bad! I'm too young to die!"

When Skylar and Jess found a jar full of Nutella in Jess' cupboard, they never thought there were hazelnuts in the spread. They thought it was like normal chocolate like Cabury chocolate. Because they both have never tried Nutella before, Jess and Skylar were so curious, they took out a spoon and scooped it into the jar, collecting a mountain of the spread.

Jess tried it first. She liked it. "It's tastes like chocolate," she beamed. Because Jess liked it, why wouldn't Skylar like it? Well, I guess you all know why happened next? Skylar was rushed to hospital after symptoms of an allergy attack occurred. Doctors said she was very lucky to live.

Just thinking about that memory made Skylar shiver. She was so dumb when she was younger.

"There is no thing as dying from being bad. I almost died because I suffered from an allergic reaction." Skylar rolled her eyes. Sometimes her friend can be a bit melodramatic. "Come on, class will start soon. We need to go."

Skylar was excited for her new reputation to start, so was Jess. But deep down, Jess knew doing this may not be the best idea in the first place.

Chapter Question: Do you like Nutella?

Next update: MONDAY

Good Girls - ON HOLDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora