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Your vision gave into the darkness and you had no coherent thoughts as you fell. Only a feeling of overwhelming dread.

Spock carried your unconscious form through the empty hallways, finally making it to med bay he rushed through the doors.

"What happened Spock?!" Mccoy exclaimed upon seeing you as Spock laid you down on a sick bed.

"Y/N collapsed at her post on the bridge."

"Well what are her symptoms, was she sweating, did anything out of the ordinary happen before she fainted?"

"I am unaware as I was reading my instruments at the time she became unconscious."

Mccoy frowned, taking out a scanner, "You can go now Spock, I've got her."

Spock exited the room, returning to his post. Not seeing the panic on the doctor's face when he attempted to scan your body for anything concerning. But nothing came up.

"Blasted thing must be broken." He said, grumpily setting it on the table and taking a different approach.

He almost didn't need to touch your skin to realize that your temperature was much too high. He pulled his hand away in shock and called for the nurse. When she arrived, he gave instructions that you were to be changed into lighter fabric clothing and ice packs were to be placed on your limbs and torso, then he left the room, waiting in his office for the nurse to be done.

You woke up just as the nurse was zipping your change of clothes. You blinked the sleep from your eyes and looked around groggily.

"Oh good, you're awake, I'll be back with some ice packs, you just lie down and Dr. Mccoy is just in the other room if you need him." With that she left.

You swallowed through the pain in your throat, then sat up and reached for the intercom noticing the ache in your ribs.

"Bones?" you called out hoarsely.

A nervous spike made its way to the doctor's heart.

"I'm here." his voice soothed through the com.

"What happened?"

"You collapsed, my instruments weren't working for me to get a proper reading, but my guess is your temperature is somewhere in the 103-106 area."

Swallowing though more pain you managed to ask if you were going to be okay before you delved into a coughing fit.

Mccoy's silence worried you, but the nurse was back now, and she set you on your side as you continued to cough. When you finished, she laid you back down and set a few icepacks across your torso, arms, and legs.

Your eyes drooped as she worked and you felt them closing as she left the room, yet they managed to stay open long enough for you to see Mccoy come to your bedside. You dreamt of his eyes as you fell asleep looking into them.


When you woke you expected he would be back in his office, yet there he stood beside your bed. He smiled as your eyes found his.

"How am I looking Doc?"

"As beautiful as ever darling."

The blush on your face had nothing to do with your fever then.

You smiled and gently shook your head at him but winced when you realized your headache had not gone.

He brushed a hair from your face then pointed towards your vitals behind you, which you did not turn to see, "Well, you're stable. I finally got a good scan of you as you slept and your fever was 105, a bad case of the influenza."

He paused and looked back at you. His eyes held your gaze as if both your lives depended on it.

"You could've done serious damage to that brain of yours." He shook his gaze from yours and went on, "But you didn't. you were lucky." He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned to go.

"Stay." You breathed.

He turned, his eyes wide, but he made no comment as he made his way back to your bedside. He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, checking up on your fever and avoiding your eyes. You took his hand in yours and moved it to your shoulder, resting your head against your intertwined arms as your eyes closed again. He let out a soft chuckle and you smiled. CMO or not, it felt good that Bones was the one looking after you.

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