Soonyoung and me

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Everytime i saw him,
I can feel something squishing me in the inside,
This isn't normal for me,
No, this is not good,
I can't fall in love with someone who far to reach,
Yet, he's right beside me
Everytime he shows me his kindness,
Its like my heart being hit by a baseball bat,
I can't let him lure me with this,
I must block this feelings,

Then, it happens.
Someone being brave confessing her love to him,
And he,
Being kind as always,
Didn't turn her down,
And what hurt the most is,
Im the first one he told about her,
About them,
About how he starting to love her,

And me,
Being a good friend as always,
Hitting his back while congratulating him,
Saying how cute they are,
Saying how lucky he is,
Hugging him with a single tear rolled down my cheek,

I should be happy for him,
Yes i should,
But why am i standing on this bridge,
Looking down as this is the last view i'll see,
If im gone no one will interfere in his love life.

I close my eyes,
Spread my arms,
Take one last breath,
And i let my body fall forward,
Feeling myself in the cold breeze,
Being hit by the impact when i landed on the lake's surface,
Feeling myself being drown in this freezing water,
The water quickly fills me,
Blocking me from breathing,
So this is the feeling on the verge of death,

I had enough.
Suddenly i can feel something pulling me near the shore,
More like someone,
Then that someone carries me in their arms,
I still closed my eyes tightly,
Didn't dare to open,
I can feel something wrap around me,
Its a blanket,
I recognize this scent,
But its impossible,
Then i feel his warmth,
The calming scent and warmth forcing me to open my eyes.

As i blink,
I saw a pair of red puffy eyes that tears still rolling on,
As he saw i opened my eyes,
He embrace me saying,
How he worried about me,
Saying how long he waited for me,
Saying how i broke his heart when he read my suicide letter,
Saying how he loves me.

With me still in his arms,
I slowly let out small sobs,
Chanting 'im sorry' all over,
Promising i will not do such thing again,
With that he cuts my words by pressing our lips together,
He leans into me closing the gap between us,
Deepening the kiss,
This feels so right.

But he has a girlfriend,
No i can't,
That's when i weep softly,
Saying we can't be more than friend,
Just then,
He opens his mouth
Saying the truth.

He didn't actually together with his girlfriend,
He said,
Just protecting her from her abusive ex boyfriend,
Just a play pretend as her boyfriend,
Blinding everyone with their acts,
She knows,
How long he's been in love with me,
Worrying about me,
How he scared of telling me the truth,

He lean in once again,
Leaving soft kiss on my forehead,
Saying this is all his fault,
Crying, he pulled me into another loving kiss,

I am so tired,
I held on his shirt,
Slowly, i close my eyes,
As i hear,
"Jihoonie my love,
I'll always love you,
I'll protect you from everything,
I'll love you till both us went grey,
I'll be there for you,
I'll be the best lover you could love,
And i'll make sure I'm the best husband you could marry,
I'll take care of our kids,
Again, I'm sorry for being such a coward,
I'll make it up for you,
I love you, baby".

With that he kiss both my eyelids allowing me to fall asleep,
The next thing i know, i woke up to a sleeping hamster next to me.
I smiled and kiss the tip of his nose then snuggle into his arms.

I'll always love his calming scent,
Its like peppermints and ocean,
So calming as always.

He then tightens his arms that already wrapprd around me and mumble some incoherent words in his sleep,
And i can't help but blush when i hear he calls my name,
"I love you Jihoonie", he says while smiling in his sleep.
"I love you too, Soonyoungie", with that i close my eyes drifting into sleep in the love of my life's arms.


A/n : hey guys, this is the first story i ever posted on Wattpad so if you spotted grammar or spelling mistakes, then im sorry, i actually looking forward in making more stories but i'm busy with school and stuffs cuz i got major exam this year
And thank you for reading my story dont forget to comment!
I love you guys muuaahhhh

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