Chapter One

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{Amanda's POV}

"2:30 train to the capital now boarding. 2:30 train to the capital now boarding." I sighed and let go of my mother, wiping her tears and picking up my carry on bag. "That's me. I love you so much, all of you." I said looking from my mum to my dad. I could see that they were just holding back their tears. I grabbed my suitcase and turned on my heels, taking a deep breath and boarding the train. 

There wasn't many other girls on the train, maybe 20, so it was easy to get a seat for myself. I set my carry on in the compartment above and sat down to wait for the train ride. From out my window I could see mine and others dads basically drag our mothers away by the waist. I blew a quick kiss to them before leaning back in the seat and closing my eyes. I've always dreaded this day, but it was King Zayn Malik's law.

One week after a girls 18th birthday they were to pack up absolute necessities and board a train to the Capital what used to be Washington D.C. where you would get your fertile stamp that would match the one of your vampire mate. The people at the Capital would then send a letter, a bit old school for 2113 but it worked, and they would come and get you. Your main purpose as a fertile was to give your vampire blood, have their children, and please them. Your vampire could give you any kind of punishment if they deemed it necessary but only within reason. Each vampire also had some kind of power, but it differed from vampire to vampire. 

I shook my head out of my thoughts to notice that the train was beginning to move, it would take three hours to get to the Capital and I was counting down my last hours of freedom. 

I still remembered the first time I had heard of the takeover.


"And we would like everybody to make sure you lock your doors and windows. Do not venture outside as these creatures are very dangerous." I sat with my mom and dad watching the news, a reporter at the white house gates talking about these creatures that have killed many. I would usually hate the news, but this story had captured my twelve year old minds attention.

"These creatures have not ever been seen before and the government is working diligently to find out what these monsters could possibly wa-" Just then a figure was in the camera shot making it black for a few seconds. "Wouldn't mind if I cut in here, would ya?" The figure chuckled out he then sank his teeth into the reporters neck, causing him to let out an ear piercing scream and go limp. The figure unlatched from his neck and let the now pale man drop to the ground. He turned to the camera and uttered quietly for a figure to put the camera on him. 

"I am King Zayn Malik. You will bow down to me and accept me as King or perish." He suddenly turned around again and shoved the gates the the white house open and turned back to the camera. "Have a lovely evening." And the screen when black.


King Zayn ended up taking over the world with his four Lords in just two years. he stayed true to his word also, if you fought back, you'd die. The world was a bloodbath for the two years before people started to realize that it was futile to try and fight back. He created ranks that would determine what level of ranking the vampire was. Under the King where the Lords. Niall, Harry, Liam, and Louis. under them were generals, the one's who fought and protected the King and Lords. They never went anywhere without one by their sides. Then came the knights, the ones who acted like police officers, they made sure you followed the laws obediently or delivered harsh punishments. Merchants were the last on the list, they worked and sold things for a living, all vampires though got a fertile, and five unlucky girls were going to be stuck with the King and his Lords.


{Zayn's POV} 

"They're bringing a new batch of girls into the Capital today." I raised an eyebrow at Lord Harry, my closest friend, before turning to him completely.

"They do almost everyday."

"But this one could have your fertile."

"I highly doubt that."

"But it could happen."

I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face a couple times. I knew the lad mean't well but I go through this everyday with him. "Okay. Because I'm sure the just keep a dragon tattoo handy."

"It's out there somewhere. Look, why don't you go and see at least. What would it hurt? We do know what we're doing around here."

"Fine, but no futbol in the halls again. It took the maids weeks to clean it up." I knew the chances of actually meeting my fertile were one in a million, as were the Lords. I designed the system to only pick the best fertiles for the five of us. But what harm would it be to go check the system?


{Amanda's POV}

We'd arrived at the Capital thirty minutes ago and to say I was nervous was an understatement. The place that you would get your symbol looked like a tattoo parlour with a forest green sitting room that was kind of soothing, a doorway at the back of the room where you could hear the buzzing of the symbol gun. There were soft cries of the people who didn't handle pain well, girls walking out with the bandaging over their symbols, looking relieved that it was over.

"Amanda Rose." 

I flinch at the sound of my name, unprepared for it. I stand from my chair in the corner of the room and walk towards a lanky man, tattoos covering his all of his visible body parts. He leads me to the back room and tells me to sit while he readies his gun. He sets the now disinfected tool and starts to clean my entire forearm.

"You've got a big one here, I've got to lay the trace on here first, and then you'll feel a pinch. I wouldn't look if you're squeamish." 

I take a deep breath and lean my head back, closing my eyes.

This is the beginning of the end.


The first chapter! I hope you like it! You can always find me on Instagram @bands.ruin.lives 

I will tryi and start an update schedule, but I cannot make any promises.

SHAMELESS PROMOTION: Check out my other fanfics Princely Love, a Ziam fic, and Faded, a Lirry fic. Also go read Freak Show by drugsfrom1d bc she's amazing.

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