here and always" i whispered the

last part we both leaned in and kiss.

We both pulled back and karli

blushed while i smiled. The ride

began. The ride consisted of a

couple min where karli was

screaming, and held on to with a

tight grip.

*7 roller coasters and karli screaming and squeezing the living sh.t out of taylor later*

"Lets go on one last ride and call it a

night yea?" i asked. she nodded. I

took her to the ferris wheel.

(idk i think they have ferris wheels, he said thats where he took his gf, but like why u got to tell me?)

We were on the ferris wheel and

stayed at the top, enjoying the view

around us. I took this chance to tell

Karli. I took her hands and looked

into both of her eyes. "Karli the day i

saw you, was the day i knew there

weren't any other girls oit there for

me but you. i knew that you were the

one i should spend the rest of my

life with We've had some hard times

with veronica and all but that was

the past and we managed to fight

through it together. And that shows

that any obstacle coming our way

can never tear us apart because our

relationship is stonger than

anything. With that, Karli would you

be my girlfriend?" i asked nervously.

She was tearing up a bit and smiled

while nodding her head rapidly. As

soon as she did that i cupped her

face and kissed her, she

immediatley kissed back. Karli

Johnson is now my girlfriend. (Just clearing this up a bit, Karli is jack J's younger sister, but they really should be related in real life because i see a resemblence between the two)

*In car on ride home*

"So karli you were telling me abut

Camille?" i said and she grew tense.

"Um, Taylor Camille had a rough

past she had straight A's and all but

it was so much stress and pressure

for her, she thought it would relieve

her, so one night i was going over to

her house to hang out, when i

walked into her room she had a

blade in her hand and her wrist was

bleeding, Taylor she cut!" karli

sobbed. I pulled over and unbuckled

my seat belt, i reached over and

wrapped my arms around her. "And

every day, im worried that she would

relapse she made a promise and

kept it, she hasnt cut in a year, we

talk out the problem she has me"

karli smiled. i smiled back. "Does

Cameron know about this?" i asked.

She shook her head. "I dont think so,

they just met but, Camille told her

mom her real mom, they cried but

her mother made the same

promise." she explained i nodded

my head. After calming down we

were on our way home again. i have

to talk to Camille.

Am I Adopted?! (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz