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Taeyong leaves.

The others are still crying, some of them are shocked, and some of them are mad.

Even tho they knew that Doyoung is in a good condition now, they are still cusriosuly mad at to whoever did this to him.

"Just fucking admit it yourself, you asshat. You almost killed Doyoung hyung, I hope you would die in guilt. I won't let you harm the others." Ten bursted out, standing up from his seat. One by one, he points at the others , "I don't know who would I trust here anymore!"

The youngers almost tears up, Chenle clings onto Jaemin's arm, Haechan gripping tightly onto Mark and Jisung's hands, Jeno biting his lip to contain himself from crying and Renjun staring at nothingness, with a small frown at his face.

"Ten shut up!" Taeil stands up, startling the others because of the sudden outburst. "What if--- what if it's not really one of the members?! Stop blaming anyone, you're evenly unsure of it!"

"Shut the fuck up, what if you're the one who hurt Doyoung!?" He shouts, taking a grip on the older's collar, throwing him a punch on the face.

Taeil didn't fight back, instead he push Ten away from him. "Hold back yourself Ten." He warns.

The younger boy laughs, "Who are we suspecting again? Jisung?" He looks over at Jisung, his eyes are colder to what it seems like compared to earlier.

The maknae stands up, his head lowered. His hyungs are feeling sympathy towards him, but they are still not contended, not having answers. Still unsure if Jisung is the suspect or not.

Droplets of tears stains the carpet floor, they all look up to Jisung. "What? Are you guilty now huh?" Ten was about to pounce on the youngest, but luckily, Jaehyun holds him back. Jisung looks up, his eyes showing no guilt.

"Stop accusing me! I did not do anything wrong!" He fought back. Ten yanks Jaehyun's hands away from him, letting out a growl, before leaving, slamming the door close.

Jisung slumps down at the floor, breaking down in tears. Renjun walks, and sits beside Jisung, he pats the younger lad's back, and scoots near him to whisper things in his ear, making Jisung to stop crying.

He stands up, and leaves without saying a thing.


"Renjun hyung? Can I come in?" Haechan knocks on the door, silently waiting for Renjun to answer his calls.

"Come in!" He hears a voice from the inside, getting the permission he's waiting for.

He twists the door knob open, before coming in.

He sits at the edge of the bed, clearly far from Renjun who were sitting at the chair near the window.

"What is it Haechan?" Renjun asks.

"What did you do to Jisung?"



Who do you suspect?


Rec: 00:01:23

"Hey oldie."

"Remember me? Hahahahaha"

-sharpens knife at the background-

-shows knife at the camera-

"As much as I don't want to stain this precious of mine."

"I gotta do."

"To get rid of you all."

"He wants to get rid of us."


"We're all gonna die!"

End of clip duration


Yes | No


Who would he target next?


i messed up a little bit WODJSNDBDEJDMD

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