Chapter 21: A spooky monument and new faces?!

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What exactly do I say?

"Um... hi?"

A wave of loud groans filled the room, it was almost like a slow riot. I assume that they are preparing to jump and dine ob me if I don't show them whose boss.

Focusing on my thoughts and searching through my mind, I try again to harness the power of BS. A sudden wave of power envelopes me and I can feel my blood begin to boil.


With a single command not only filling the room but also reverbrating into the long tunnels for any other zombies to hear, an order for them to cease their moans. Which they did. Surprisingly.

Although, I think it was too effective as I noticed that a few of them had fallen over and stopped moving.

Might want to hold back a bit, don't want to make them any deader than they already are.

Clearing my throat to buy some time to think of something to say, I began dwadling on my thoughts.

"To all of you that stand before me, I am here to announce that you all have been indoctrinated into my newly blossoming colony." I continued, "A colony that's... going to take over this land! From... anyone that opposes us! If anyone of you have an issue with this... You can forfeit your life... er,  un-life right now."

Complete silence.

I guess they have taken me as their leader now.

"Well then, now that we have made things clear: I command you all to kneel before your ruler!"

In a simultaneous motion, every single zombie that knelt. Those that couldn't just bowed along with loud howls following along, in what I can only assume to be a cheer.

I don't exactly know how I feel about commanding an army of zombies, but it beats getting eaten alive.

I turned around to my armored zombie escorts, who were also kneeling.

"You two will be my subordinates, assisting me in way to improve our glory."

They both stood back up and groaned in I assume as an agreement.

After all of that was said and done, the zombies headed back into the tunnels. Probably to continue whatever they were doing before.

I decided to go investigate one of these tunnels to see what exactly that are doing with my subordinates lugging beside me.

As it was before, the tunnel was filled with groans and moans from the other zombies but other than that, there wasn't any other sound whatsoever. I decided to try and strike up a conversation with the leather and chainmail zombie.

"So uh, if we are going to be working together, might help if I knew what your names were."

I got two groans as a response from my zombie companions.

"Ok, so you guys have names?"

Another dry set of groans.

"That won't do. It would probably be way more efficient to call you by something instead of leather and chainmail zombie."

I began pondering on names I could give these two that would fit them. Looking them up and down, there are some noticeable features about the two besides the different armor.

The leather zombie has a large scar running across its face and it's right eye is missing, it's also a few inches shorter than me and seems to wield an iron shovel.

The chainmail zombie has both of its eyes but they seem to be bloodshot, it's shorter than both me and the leather zombie by about a foot and wields a wooden sword.

After giving it some more thought, I finally came down for two names.

"Alrighty, so to start..." I point towards the leather zombie' "From this day forward, you shall be named "Scar"."

I then turn my attention towards the chainmail zombie.

"And you shall be named "Ruby"."

Both zombies seemed to have perked up a bit and froze in place.

They just stood there, staring at me.

"Are you two alright?"

After asking that question, their bodies began to shake uncontrollably and some sort of dark fleshy substance began wrapping around them both until the were covered head to toe in this substance.

What the nether?!

I backed away a bit and immediately ducked into a connected tunnel. Good thing I did too, as a sudden explosion went off in that spot.

Slowly inching my way into view of the blast, I was immediately tackled by someone. Sending both of us to the ground with a few tumbles back into the stray tunnel.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Soooooooo much, captain!" A new feminine voice I didn't recognize repeated, as I felt my abdomen being crushed and the air in my lungs seeping out.

As my dizziness slowly faded, I focused my attention on the perso  in top of me.

I was immediately faced with a large mass of dark, red hair. The owner of said hair, was cuddled tightly around me with their face buried into my chest.

"Come now, Scarlet." Another feminine voice spoke up, "I know you are happy to be named but our captain is still alive and needs to breathe."

"Oh my Notch! I'm sorry!" The pressure around me had suddenly disappeared and I could finally breathe again.

Catching my breath after a moment, I look up at the two new individuals: The one that had jumped me was a girl wearing some tattered leather armor, she also had a scar running across her face and an eye patch over her right eye.

The other one was a girl with black, straight hair, wearing some rusted chainmail armor but the most notable of her features were her piercing red eyes.

Both of their skin were deathly pale.

"Who... who are you two?"

They both looked at me dumbfounded.

"Do you not remember us captain?" The one named Scarlet asked, "You did just name us."

"You must've damaged his brain when you charged you him. Why must you be so irrational?" The red eyed girl stated in an annoyed tone.

"When have I ever bee  rational, Ruby?" Retorted Scarlet.

"That is a fair point." Responded Ruby.

What the nether is going on?!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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